The Last Regionals - Calgary - July 30th

By Drasnighta, in Star Wars: Armada

The Facebook Event is up and everything is completely confirmed...

... The World's Last Regionals will be in Sunny, Sunny Hothgary :D

Pre-Registration is required.

I'm still working my butt off to be able to attend, but if you're thinking of making the Drive / Flight / Hitchhike, etc, let me know if you're coming form out of town, and I'll scrounge up any and all details you'll want or need for accommodation or transport.

The Sentry Box itself is just outside of the downtown area, and its very easily accessable on Public Transit - Trains even run until almost 2am most days, to get you back downtown if that's where you're staying.

So come on out, even if its just to say you played the Last Regional in the World in the World's Largest Gaming Store :D

Was considering trying to come to this, then checked ticket prices, nearly $600..... :/