Pink One - Ello Itty

By varthanna, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

First complete repaint after lots of practice with smaller stuff. Tried to go through the "correct" stages of painting (primer, basecoat, wash, drybrush, highlights).

Feedback welcome!



OMG, i dont really like brand crossovers but the name is funny and ship glamorous!

As far as the painting goes, it's really great. As far as the reference/inspiration subject, it would terrifying to see it flying toward me. It does vaguely remind me of an SNL skit about cats shooting laser guns...

Not a big fan of pink and pastel green but this is great! Nice play on words for the card! The repaint is well done. Keep up the good work.

Go on .. have a like for the name alone!

Oh, i thought it was a reference to "Pink five"

But its also cool!

Oh, i thought it was a reference to "Pink five"

But its also cool!

This was GREAT!

This is great - thank you for sharing!

I have been meaning to paint one of my G-1A's pink and calling it the "Ms. Hunter."