Yeah. That's right.
So, nothing terribly exciting to see here. This so far has been my most successful list though. Just scored fourth in a hangar bay tournament of sixteen players so it's not regional competition either.
It is fun though and the match ends quickly so I'm not suffering burn out as quickly.
Store tournament in September.
Ouch. Ok, the list was a bad idea. Put it away.
After many hours of flying Xwings in Heroes of Aturi Cluster I returned to this list and exchanged Jan Ors for Advanced Slam.
Miranda XXX (100)
Miranda Doni (37) - K-Wing
Twin Laser Turret (6), Advanced SLAM (2)
Rookie Pilot (21) - X-Wing
Rookie Pilot (21) - X-Wing
Rookie Pilot (21) - X-Wing
Fun nights
It's winning and pretty quickly. Ok, I'm convinced. Tournament time.
Today's hangar bay tournament.
Round one. Triple scouts or Ace Scouts.
Ok, my list of TIEs I brought was meant to deal with this problem but I committed the XWings anyway. My opponent went triple scout. I deployed the Xwings on the left, and the scouts went straight across the board. I put Miranda in the center of the board.
Straight on joust won't work unless I really nail both my own maneuvers and predict his. Failure means instant death and likely blocked k-turns with sloops to unleash more warheads. Yes, I've faced triple scouts before but not with this list.
Instead I hard turn to the right and drag the scouts through the asteroids while Miranda flanks. Well, my wanted resolution works. The scouts are strung out in a line. I k-turn the Xwings behind an asteroid and prepare to face my destiny. One torpedo has range but is a dud. Bad rolls (re-roll and guidance chip not much help) combined with the asteroid means I get off very easy.
Miranda slides in beside the trailing scout and the XWings ignore their stress to turn in quickly to range one of the lead scout. Miranda wiffs on a four red range one shot. Scouts launch an intimidating barrage of plasma torpedoes but are likewise duds. Still my lead xwing takes a beating. Xwings return fire, stripping shields and dealing two damage to the lead scout. Yay!
However things go wrong from here. I miss most of my blocks and deal very little damage. Strip most of the shields from the trailing scout and only manage one more damage on the lead one. Miranda continued to miss and the Xwings scored a few hits before they are worn away. 100-17 loss.
Round two. I'm forget the second list but my opponent plays Howlrunner with swarm tactics, three PS 4 and 3 TIE interceptors and a PS 1 interceptor. He deploys his alpha squad on the his left. I put my Xs about range two from my left angled toward his alpha. The rest of his interceptors form a line with Howlrunner behind. Miranda deploys about range 3 from my right side angled toward his main force. I hadn't taken the bait for a straight joust and I had hopes my unusual deployment would cause a moment of confusion.
Lead turn the Xs hard turn left to face the main force while Miranda shoots in with two three straights to close the range. His alpha scrambles to rejoin the force. Turn three we engage. The Xs close in fast as the interceptors turn to face Miranda. Howlrunner misses but an interceptor is brought up to PS 8 and it hits Miranda's shields. Miranda regens one shield and sticks one damage in the two shots before the interceptors continue to hit her. No shields. One damage thru plus a weapon damaged crit. One interceptor left, the alpha. The Xwings manage to destroy it first.
Turn four, the Xwings turn in, two slowly and one with a hard two that causes a train wreck of interceptors lined right in a row. Howlrunner ends up on a rock with damage and Miranda slams out of arc and repairs her guns. The two trailing interceptors roll poorly so my blocking xwing survives. The Xs blow up Howlrunner. Little fuzzy, but I believe they got an interceptor here too. From here it was clean up. I end with one X with one hull, and Miranda with three hull left but the other Xs don't take anything beyond shield damage.
100-0 victory.
Round three. My opponent takes three aces. Vader, Fel with autothrusters and stealth,and Omega Leader. My Xs deploy range three from the right, angled in. Omega center, Miranda on the left, and Vader, Fel across from her.
Aces are troublesome. That said I was confident enough. The Xs charge forward. Miranda slowly turns in. Omega leader moves cautiously forward and Vader and Fel open the throttles, boosting and barrel rolls to get closer. They smell blood. Turn two the Xs turn in toward the left and spread out into a line. Miranda turns back in toward the starting line. Omega leader guessed wrongly that I was going after her and turns away and is out of action. Fel and Vader turn the corner. Finding himself in a bad position Fel rolls out of arc leaving Vader behind as he locks up a Miranda. Shots are fired. Miranda takes several hits. Vader loses his shields.
The Xs close slowly. Omega leader is trying to flank but Miranda blows past the first order pilot with slam. Fel attempts to give chase. Vader is cut off and boosts toward my home edge to dodge some fire. No significant damage this turn either.
The Xs lay a trap. They split formation to cover both angles Vader can go. Omega leader tries to bail out the dark lord, locking up an xwing. Miranda slams further away at speed three and Fel desperately gives pursuit. Range three shots do him no good. Omega leader does one damage to an X. The Xs destroy Vader.
Fast forward two turns. The Xwings attack Omega from both sides. One X has broken off to give pursuit of Fel and unexpectedly gets a gift as Fel turns back to hunt the Xwings. Fel strips the shields off an X but is downed to a Rookie at point blank range.
Omega leader falls two turns later. Miranda at range three bearing in and a rookie at range one on both sides.
100-0. Don't take a damage card this game.
Round four... Meh. I brought this TIE Phantom and I'm going to use it.
And this was a miserable mistake filled match nearly presented to my opponent. Bumps. Failed actions. Forgot to de-cloak Echo and ended up directly in front of two T70s at range one and went down with a whimper.
I win.. But.... 71-52. I'm not ready for Phantoms...
I was floored that I got fourth. Didn't see a lot of meta lists of course and that one triple scout list was the only one. Blow outs seemed common today. Still, felt good to place for a change.