DarthTom's Painting

By tomkat364, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

I love the work everyone else has been doing, and now that I've finally figured out how to take pictures that seem to reflect how my work looks in real life, I thought I would share the first of my IA figures. I plan to post more, but as I'm rather busy with work and family, I have no idea how often I'll be able to complete minis. I am also slogging my way through a set of classic HeroQuest minis (skeleton's right now, 2 down 10 to go), so IA will be interspersed with HQ, Battlelore, and Descent minis as I go on.

But introductions aside, here is my take on IG-88 (more info available at my blog: https://darthtomsgaming.wordpress.com/ )



Criticism much appreciated!

Hi, solid miniature and I like the look. I commend you for painting IG-88 in non-metallic metal - I'm dreading painting mine because I know it'll be a long job.

When you're painting non-metallic metal, you need to go all the way from black to white. Your blending is smooth in the mid-tones and looks quite good. However, you need higher highlights and lower shading.

If you'll look at the side of the axe and shoulder plates on my Gaarkhan, you'll notice the difference:


what a beautiful colour for IG88. that is awesome man

Edited by Spidey NZ

I think that's the most unique IG-88 I've seen. I really like it!

IG-88 is fantastic. I love it. Makes me want to repaint mine.

My only criticism is that such a fabulous model requires a special base....