Any one else disappointed that this game is only 2 players? I wonder if there will be 2v2 co-op rules perhaps?
Only 2 Players?
Slightly disappointed but maybe surprised is more apt. I will be watching the news on this one closely. I have always been drawn to things Warhammer 40k, but was never able to invest in it. This could be my chance...
I'm not disappointed at all that it's a two player game. I have plenty of epic sized wargames that pretty much require more than 2, so this will fit a nice niche that TI3 and StarCraft don't cover. (Yeah, I know StarCraft can be played by 2, but it works much better with more.)
I'm becoming a big fan of WH and WH40k, and this looks great.
even if there isnt a rule set for coop....ill play it that way
I can see some rules coming out like the overlord stuff for M44.
I'm cool with the 2-player game. Kinda prefer it actually.
FiendishDevil said:
Any one else disappointed that this game is only 2 players? I wonder if there will be 2v2 co-op rules perhaps?
In the original you had to place cards which dictated your choice of actions for the turn. Both sides placed these cards in advance, and then turned them over one at a time to execute the chosen decisions. It appears they're keeping that mechanism in some form. This kind of thing always seems more fun to me when it's 2-player.
very dissapointed, but I'm sure you could tweak some rules allowing more players to participate
I am very pleased that this game is only two players. My girlfriend and I are getting heavily into the Warhammer universe, not the GW mini's, but the stuff that FFG has put out has all been top notch. I was hoping they would release a board game in the 40k universe, and I am so happy that it plays two players and is one of the big box games. I can not wait to see how this title turns out.
The game looks cool, but I'm also disappointed that it's only 2 players. Having already bought Space Hulk, I would prefer not to get another 2 person game. Maybe I'm lucky in that we usually get between 5-7 people at my gaming group, but 2 player games, and even to some extent 4 player games, end up excluding people and as a result, get played less.
I have just the opposite situation. I'm lucky to get two players, much less three or four. So I'm glad this is 2-player. But I can see the value of some options for more players.
I'm not... There was only two sides in the Heresy anyways.
Can't see my self spending $100. on a two player game................... just doesn't feel right. So i'll just get Rune Wars instead. Plenty of room for expanions in that one.
2 players sure, horus and emperor, but what of the other primarchs that were present, like say sanguinius or the khan? i guess theyre gona be soldiers in the emperors army rather then slots for extra players :S But not disappointed at all
2 players is absolutly OK.
I'm glad it can play 2 players! Usually thats all I get to my game table. There are some great games that have a minimum of 3, that I just wouldn't really be able to play very often.
I'm happy with 2 players because there's a chance I'll get to play it with someone now! Usually I can only find one friend to play the games that are 2 - 4 players anyway....
Gokuscurse said:
2 players sure, horus and emperor, but what of the other primarchs that were present, like say sanguinius or the khan? i guess theyre gona be soldiers in the emperors army rather then slots for extra players :S But not disappointed at all
Although it probably wouldn't be too hard to make some house rules to make each of the main chapters (or at least the Big Four) into separate players. That would then turn it into a 4/5-on-1 game, which could be interesting on the assumption it is balanced as such.
Personally I agree with the 2-player format, I think it's true to the first edition and for the best overall. I'm also uncertain, as others have expressed, about spending $100 on a 2 player game. Usually when we game it's at least 3 or 4 people. We'll see though.
Same here, there is a chance I won't purchase it because it is 2 players only, which I barely play, except against my gf, but I doubt it is the kind of game that would appeal to her.
I wish there were a team option, as there are not that many good team games.
Guys, what's the point? Haven't you ever played cooperative games? I daresay everything can be a cooperative entertainment, even chess. I am positive I will play HH with three friends: two of us versus two. It will be a lot of fun to discuss (whispering) strategies, to divide attention on separate parts of the board. I will be a commander of the left wing, an my pal - of the right one. Or the other way round. Team versus team instead man versus man
. I think it will be great.
I am positive. How about a Horus heresy Tournament ala Axis and Allies
It does seem a little wrong spending all of that on 2 players... i would perfer it if the primarchs were like slots for new players to join in. i dout i will be buying it as it's nicer if u play as a group in these sorts of games.
I am frankly glad FFG is putting out one of these massive games in a 2 player format. War of the Ring is essentially a 2 player game, and I think HH will fill that sort of niche. All the other big box games by FFG pretty much need 3 or more. Some you can play 2 player, but work better with 3 or more. 3 or more is not something that you can always get with these games. Especially ones that are challenging.
simpatikool said:
I am frankly glad FFG is putting out one of these massive games in a 2 player format. War of the Ring is essentially a 2 player game, and I think HH will fill that sort of niche. All the other big box games by FFG pretty much need 3 or more. Some you can play 2 player, but work better with 3 or more. 3 or more is not something that you can always get with these games. Especially ones that are challenging.
You are forgetting Tide of Iron.
PBnJ said:
Can't see my self spending $100. on a two player game................... just doesn't feel right. So i'll just get Rune Wars instead. Plenty of room for expanions in that one.
I will for sure. Heck i already bought my CE War of the Ring so this is a pitance and that's essentially a two player game
. Besides Chaos in the old world is a great multi player GW game and this is a great pairing for nights when you and your friend/wife wanna just sit and play a game.