Hey folks I was looking at starting my group with a baudo class yacht. It seemed a decent starter ship, i like the +1 handling, decent speed on it and it looks neat. Also has 6 hard points on it for lots of money sink mods later on. Any opinions?
Good, lots of hard points ship for a starting group?
Considering that EotE recommends a starting group have a ship costing no more than 120,000 credits, you might want to give your group some extra Obligation (if you're playing an Edge game) for having a Baudo-class Yacht that costs 250,000 credits with a rarity of 9.
What about the classics like the YT-1300?
Just a word of advice: Cross reference with talents.
People tend to get tunnel vision when it comes to attachments and forget that a lot of the same effects can be generated with talents.
If a player has the hidden storage talent for example, paying for and expending HP on smuggling compartments might be a bit of a waste.
Thanks for the advice. Decided to go with a Ghtroc 720.
Thanks for the advice. Decided to go with a Ghtroc 720.
That's one of my favorites... The Turtle is a good choice.
I would be lying if I said that it was not one of the main reasons I went with it.