BJZSN's Team vs. Team & Free for All

By BJZSN, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey everyone, on a whim I've decided to post my variants for Team vs. Team and Free for All. I realize that I've already posted my Team vs Team variant, but I feel that enough changes have been made to it to repost it, as well as having a Free for All mode as well. Plus, the old thread is long dead anyways. Here's the link for the Team vs Team variant, with more maps I've made to play around with:

Also I've made a Free for All variant that plays a little differently than the Team vs Team. This mode supports 2-4 players and allows players to separately build their own team. It even supports Lieutenants. Keep in mind it is a work in progress so some changes might be made and there's only a couple of maps I've made so far for it. Here's the link:

People who have played around with my previous Team vs. Team might notice I haven't incorporated Act 2 cards in this version. I found that the inclusion of Act 2 cards made the game incredibly swingy, so I opted to disallow them. Of course if you feel like you want to use them by all means go ahead and incorporate them into the Act 2 transition of the variants.

As always criticisms and feedback is appreciated so feel free to leave a comment. Thanks for trying it out!



I got a chance to look at your recent Skirmish post. I hesitated to post directly to it because it looks like a change to the rulings itself (aka. rewriting cards, monsters with attributes, incorporating overlord cards, etc.). I think that's a great idea BTW, but my variants just aims to incorporate as much of the Descent content as possible without bogging down the experience or the need to rewrite card rulings. Hence why I didn't post. I'd love to see how you or anyone would include overlord cards for multiple players. Though I suppose if you were doing a true Skirmish mode (1 vs 1) then it would only be a matter of each player choosing a basic deck to use and build around that. Otherwise good luck with your work on it, I'm really interested in where it goes!

Edited by BJZSN


I don't know how much will be re-written.

But in fact all ideas are welcome at this stage.