I have a few questions based on a scenario I am coming up with for a future adventure. Would making a pair of Ganks be bodyguards to a Sith Inquisitor make any sense in SW? I invented a BBG Sith Inquisitor and I don't want to have him show up just yet, but I want my players to know that he is aware that they moved off-world from their original starting location. Here is the story:
The PC's are just arriving on Nal Hutta and will be crash landing into the swamps (Lost style, nose/tail, split group). They are trying to find a contact whom they have never met before ("the last Jedi"). Once they brandish their lightsabers in the city (which I know they will do at some point), the pair of Gank bodyguards will find them shortly thereafter, beat them into submission, then as the last person is passing out, one of them will say "...that was too easy. We should report back to the Inquisitor that this group isn't worth his time." And have them leave the group unconscious and bloodied in the street instead of capturing them.
I mainly don't want to introduce the BBG too early, and I want the PC's to know that even though they have gained some skills and talents, that they can't just jump into battle and expect to win every time...because some of them are starting to think that they can. I want to lay them out so they are aware that there are stronger, smarter enemies out there, and they are basically made of jello when they fight a coordinated military-esque team.
I know this may sound a bit mean or harsh, but I want to make sure they know that when they are challenged in the future it won't be easy, and they can't rely on their lightsabers for everything. I just don't know if this is the best way to go about it because if Force-sensitives were found, they would be executed right away...so just beating them up may seem like a cop out.