Obstacle and station scratchbuilds

By 54NCH32, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

Final lot of pics I snapped on the weekend. My 3d obstacle tokens.

First scratchbuilds I've ever attempted, really rewarding to build and they really add something to the table when battling :)

- Balsa wood (5mm)
- Magic tape (for creating smooth areas / windows to paint on parts of the station)
- Dowel rod (5mm)
- Bolt nuts (5mm to fit dowel rod)

- Gardening Wire
- Lava rocks (bought from camping store)
- £1 car fuses (for AA turrets - thanks Poundland!
- Cotton bud stem
- Assorted spare model parts
- DIY putty


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Asteroid Fields:

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Debris Fields:

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AA Quadlaser Turrets (Extra campaign elements):

- - - - - - - -


Edited by 54NCH32

Awesome Space Station!

Ever think you'd make a step-by-step for these?

Ever think you'd make a step-by-step for these?

I hope to at some point. The debris and asteroids I failed to take WIP pics of, but the station and AA turrets I did. I'll look at posting the station at some point, but the AA's I posted a few days ago at: https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/221243-asteroid-quad-laser-turret-scratchbuild/ (although these are less useful for the game proper, as those were more for a custom game mode I'm working on).

Edited by 54NCH32

Naturally, these look absolutely awesome, Trooper 54-NCH-32 -smirks a bit and nods- The idea of using fuses for the base of the quad-laser towers is really unique. Great way to get consistency. I have a whole little box of the baggers and now I know what I can do with some of the extra. That station is still a masterpiece. I'm extremely tempted to make one up using that one as inspiration. It's just terrific. It screams 'Star Wars' from all the X-wing Alliance I've been playing.

Minor question for the lava rocks, how do they hold together? Do they crumble, chip, or need to be repainted? They look terrific for asteroids but I've never actually paid any attention to lava rocks in general. Just trying to figure out if they, foam, or cork would be the best asteroid material. :)

Naturally, these look absolutely awesome, Trooper 54-NCH-32 -smirks a bit and nods- The idea of using fuses for the base of the quad-laser towers is really unique. Great way to get consistency. I have a whole little box of the baggers and now I know what I can do with some of the extra. That station is still a masterpiece. I'm extremely tempted to make one up using that one as inspiration. It's just terrific. It screams 'Star Wars' from all the X-wing Alliance I've been playing.

Minor question for the lava rocks, how do they hold together? Do they crumble, chip, or need to be repainted? They look terrific for asteroids but I've never actually paid any attention to lava rocks in general. Just trying to figure out if they, foam, or cork would be the best asteroid material. :)

Sure man, glad my station is inspiring people to build their own unique stations. This one all started as a simple design I could make from cut 5mm layers of balsa (with some thicker stuff as main blocks.), I used google SketchUp to create a simple 3D model, and just sort of improvised when cutting the actual wood shapes (like the main keel if the station).

As for asteroids, totally go for lava rocks! They look perfect. They are really light, so not top heavy. The cost about £6 for a decent size box, (most were too big, but many of the smaller ones or bits fit the bill. Managed to drill 5mm hole stems into them with a cheap £1 masonry drill bit, (by hand even for a couple). I sprayed them dark grey, touched up any misses with loads of paint, piled a butt load of ink on them (porous, so they drink that ink up!), then dryburshed with lighter grey.

Also finally thought I'd put up the WIP pics, so i'll post them on here in a sec.

Edited by 54NCH32

Ever think you'd make a step-by-step for these?

just about to post pics for this

Here we go, WIP pics from the station, realised I still had them on my phone! :)








Edited by 54NCH32

Nice job...........wish you could make a set for me

Some fine crafting indeed. Well done! :)

54NCH32, Great job! Is that 3d file for the station available online?

54NCH32, Great job! Is that 3d file for the station available online?

Not at the mo, its a simple SketchUp file, I'll try host it t some point if interested

Thingiverse is a great place to host this type of content. I'd love to slice that up as a 3D printable model. I've been planning on making some stations myself and have a couple of WIP. I just don't know when I'll have time to finish them.

Thingiverse is a great place to host this type of content. I'd love to slice that up as a 3D printable model. I've been planning on making some stations myself and have a couple of WIP. I just don't know when I'll have time to finish them.

I'll see what I can do :)

Oh if that thing could be 3D printed that would be killer!