Nationals - Who is Going?

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

You know I will be there. Rearranged my work schedule and everything!

Who else is making the trek to Columbus in 1 week?

I'm going to Nationals, but since you've mentioned "Columbus" I don't think we're talking about the same one. Might be worth clarifying which nation you're referring to!

Well, to be fair.

There's one Nationals (in the US)

But there's also the North American Championships.

They're not the same thing, although they do provide the same prizes/benefits/bonuses/byes etc.

outside of the US, there's no info on nationals, as the Regionals Season doesn't end until the End of July....*

*The UK got their stuff together and proved me wrong with this point, so clearly, everything I say from now to forevermore is incorrect :D

Edited by Drasnighta

Well, there are other nationals besides the US one.

Admittedly I made this to see who else was going to be at Columbus, but any other nationals competition should feel free to chime in.

I can't make it, so it's only GenCon (and probably Worlds) for me.

I'll be there as well;

Any Columbus locals have a good idea where to get breakfast before the tournament?

I'm in!

outside of the US, there's no info on nationals, as the Regionals Season doesn't end until the End of July....

Birmingham 13-14th August

If you are going to be a stickler... be correct...

outside of the US, there's no info on nationals, as the Regionals Season doesn't end until the End of July....

Birmingham 13-14th August

If you are going to be a stickler... be correct...

I am always happy to be wrong, and thus, stand corrected :D

I was mildly entertaining it, but there is just too much going on at work to swing it...

And lets be honest, after the clinics I received during Regionals, I've proven to myself I don't play enough to be competitive beyond that level.

outside of the US, there's no info on nationals, as the Regionals Season doesn't end until the End of July....

Birmingham 13-14th August

If you are going to be a stickler... be correct...

Also, today, I found buried in a PDF, the fact that Canadian Nationals are apparently booked for Sunday September 4 at the FanExpo in Toronto...

Although I could also clarify my original statement to be "No Official Information from FFG on Nationals outside of the US" and be a little more correct, if that helps.

And not even much info from FFG about US nationals.

I'll be there as well;

Any Columbus locals have a good idea where to get breakfast before the tournament?

Columbus local here. If you're eating breakfast downtown, my easy recommendations are First Watch and Sunny Street Cafe. Both are fairly close to the convention center and open early.

Also, I'm looking forward to meeting you all and having some good games!

I'll be there as well;

Any Columbus locals have a good idea where to get breakfast before the tournament?

Columbus local here. If you're eating breakfast downtown, my easy recommendations are First Watch and Sunny Street Cafe. Both are fairly close to the convention center and open early.

Also, I'm looking forward to meeting you all and having some good games!

So, Sunny Street Cafe like 1.5 hours before registration then?

If that's an invitation then sure! I do love Sunny Street Cafe.

Registration's at 9, correct?

I... Think so?

I don't have the info in front of me.

But yeah, open invitation. Wouldn't be an Armada tournament if we didn't try to get everyone eating breakfast together before-hand.

But yeah, open invitation. Wouldn't be an Armada tournament if we didn't try to get everyone eating breakfast together before-hand.

I approve this logic!

Do we even know if there are any spots left open for late registration for U.S. nationals? I suspect not, but we haven't even had our regional here yet.

I think their is still room. I don't think the X wing Nationals have yet either.

Registration for the Conventention is 7-9am. The Armada Nationals are on my itenerary for 11am-9pm. I've asked a TO I know when the tournament registration begins and if he knows anything about prize support. I'll let you guys know when I get an answer.

This is apparently strait from the event grid "Tournament registration closes at 11:45am on Wednesday, June 15. Round One of the Swiss Pairing will begin promptly at 12:00pm. Each player must bring a 400 point fleet (including no more than 134 points of squadrons) to compete and have two copies of their fleet list (written or printed) ready to be inspected by our TOs for tournament legality. In addition to figures, players are required to bring support materials including (but not limited to): command and speed dials, tokens, dice, obstacles, rulers and templates, etc. The times listed for this event include only the preliminary rounds. If you advance to the graduated cut, be prepared to return on Thursday, June 16, for additional tournament rounds. The first round of the graduated cut will begin promptly at 10:00am. For rules, FAQ, blank fleet lists, and more, please visit our website."

So a four round tournament starting at noon? I hope you guys bring some caffeine!

So this breakfast. Is 8:30 good for everyone? Gives time to get to the Con and hang out for a bit before tournament stuff.

I am going to guess 3 rounds on Day 1, and a graduated cut for Round 4 (and 5 if applicable). Then cut to top 2.

8:30 breakfast sounds great to me! Anyone interested in going should post in this thread!

I thought(although may have been mistaken) that day one was four rounds, followed by two rounds on day two with the top 16. Then the top two play.

Either way I'm a little frustrated that their hasn't been any word from FFG about this tournament. It'd be nice to have an idea of what we're getting into on Wednesday.

I'm coming from the MD/DC area with one other local. We will see if we can make breakfast. We should be in Tuesday afternoon/evening sometime.