Dumping the Woodland Path cards

By Jack Naples, in Talisman

We've dumped the Path cards (players are free to enter the Woodland; they gain a Destiny at Meeting With Destiny and move to the Forest). This makes the Woodland much more accessible and not such a nightmare. Thoughts?

Don't like it, but play as you want - if your houserules fit your gaming group that's all that matters.

Weed some of the more annoying paths out. Free destinies seems like it would be ridiculous.

Not a terrible idea if, 1. Requirement is to fight Mab before receiving a destiny, 2. Mab assumes you already have one destiny, since you don't have a path, so she's at her +3 bonus, so 13/13 Str/Craft respectively on first engagement.

Yeah you could end the board at fight queen mab.

I find Woodlands so confusing given the path effects and destiny effects. We where playing that you ethier played with just the bonuses from destinies or the effects from destinies but this was making the long slog to destines not worth the effort so no one ever went into the woodlands. Personally with all the extra rules would be good if someone could just do a normal woodland deck without lightbound stuff.. But would that work?

I think dumping the path cards gets rid of one of the key elements that makes this an interesting corner expansion! By removing the path cards this turns the game more to a 3rd edition Talisman experience...

The path cards actually saved my friend. The hidden ending we got was pandoras box and my friend was stacked on lives. He went to the woodlands and grabed the "safe path" I think its called. The one that lets him avoid enemies stronger than strength or craft 5. I couldnt kill him

I think dumping the path cards gets rid of one of the key elements that makes this an interesting corner expansion! By removing the path cards this turns the game more to a 3rd edition Talisman experience...

Problem is the Woodlands really does not do anything for a character to complete the game it just gives characters more powerful abilities. Ok the Highlands you can get stuff and get a quick jump to the COC the dungeon is a quick path to the crown the city.... Well do I need to even say? But the Woodlands? sure there is some really cool stuff there but really its not a useful region.