So In my usual long winded and rambling style I thought I'd do a write up of my Yavin Open experience for you to enjoy or ignore.
Astute fans of my tourney reports (I know, who the hell am I kidding) will notice that this is the first tourney I've ever attended without my trusty defender at my side. Whilst I seriously considered bringing my store champ list of Vess, omega leader, epsilon ace and an academy tie, the waking nightmare that U-Boats presented left me too worried about Vess dying to the alpha. I know vs glittercrack brobots the only way to win was make sure they couldn't both fire at Vess in the opening. With potentially 3 ships packing that same level of damage output, that was going to be much more difficult to pull off and my chances of outright removing a boat before it shoots with only ten red dice is remote. Back on the shelf for now Vess I'm afraid.
So what to run then. Well the first lists I fell in love with when I got into this game were the tie swarms, but it's been a while since I dropped one on a 3x3 table, and with little chance to practise prior to yavin throwing a big swarm on the table was going to cause me a lot of problems adjusting back to flying it. I also felt the swarm was very good vs the boats, but so dependant on blocking to beat aces that it could be a little weak in that match up. So for my own peace of mind of flying, and to hedge my bets a little more vs aces at a little cost vs effectiveness vs boats and a huge loss in effectiveness vs swarms I finally settled on the following list;
Howlrunner - 19
Crackshot (1)
Omega Leader - 26
Juke (2)
Comms relay (3)
Zeta Leader - 25
Juke (2)
Comms Relay (3)
Black Squadron - 15
Crackshot (1)
Black Squadron - 15
Crackshot (1)
Total: 100 points
So a compact swarm but a swarm none the less. I only managed three practise games prior to the event with the list, but despite some bouts of poor flying they were all victories and the list Definitely had legs. Howlrunner really helped draw fire away from omega leader (OL) early on, and OL's early rounds were vastly helped by Howlies presence. The blacks and Zeta leader (ZL) are just horricifcally points efficient and after nuking a ship early doors generally managed to continue to help chip away with OL's practically guaranteed damage each turn.
I'm using the new damage deck just because and rather than run the smallest asteriods I went for the most awkwardly shaped ones to catch people out, so that's the little moustache, the big moustache and the one with the weird thin line that randomly sticks out about an inch from the roid (all from new core).
Whilst I can remember the majority of my opponents names, there's 1 or 2 I'm unsure of or may mix up so to avoid offending anyone I'm going to leave everyone anonymous.
So, enough pre-rambling and onto the main rambling!!