This happened in a game (and was the decider for us)...
An ISD is Near the edge of the Board, travelling at Speed 3, with an Engineering Command.
If it is moved normally, in any configuration of its maneuver tool, a big portion of it will be "off the board".
It is Turn 6.
My Opponent cannily moved a Demolisher right into the path of the ISD, so that at speed 3, the majority of the ship was "off the board", but one tiny fraction was overlapping the Demolisher.
- Which Rule takes Precedence?
The Overlap/ramming Rule, in which we moved the ISD back along the maneuver tool (and actually ended up being a Speed 0 maneuver, thus
the ISD from destruction), or the fact that the majority would be off the board, so it would be off the board?
I ruled it at the time in agreeance and favour of my opponent . I believed that the Ship-Off-The-Table only applies to the final position, if it were actually being placed there. But because a portion was overlapping, I played the overlapping rules as a precedence... (And thus, cost me the game).
But I'm going to kick it around here for consensus before firing an Email off to FFG....
Edited by Drasnighta