Check out the 3 new Guides which can be downloaded on Boardgamegeek that Wolfie has compiled & fine-tuned over the past few months.
They are as follows:
1) Arkham Horror Reference Guide
2) AH Investigator Guide
3) AH Ancient Ones Guide
These cover all expansions, components and terms. Wolfie's objective (which he achieved magnificently) was to have a single source for looking up rules questions, FAQ clarifications, investigator/AO details, and elements from the Wiki that made sense. These are indexed, consolidated, alphabetic reference guides. It will be my first source of reference whenever I start a new investigation.
I commend Wolfie's efforts and highly recommend these Guides for both newcomers to Arkham Horror as well as grizzled veterans (such as myself). I know that he is very open to suggestions/omissions/modifications although it probably would be minimal at this stage because of the time & effort he has devoted to this labor of love.