Middy's simple repaints & mods

By ianmiddy, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

My brobots would be perfect for loading and unloading that thing!

Very cool!

I am tempted to do a Brobot conversion like yours - already have a container with magnets on the side [inside] for use with the Jumpy, so could just magnetise the claws :huh:

My brobots would be perfect for loading and unloading that thing!

Very cool!

I am tempted to do a Brobot conversion like yours - already have a container with magnets on the side [inside] for use with the Jumpy, so could just magnetise the claws :huh:

The containers i have have magnets inside, so they stick together when you stack, so i could actually stack a pair of containers. Do yours have those as well?

I wanted to magnetize my bots containers, but IMO it would take some pretty strong magnets to keep the container level and prevent the front end from constantly wanting to sag.

I would love to see you do it!

The containers i have have magnets inside, so they stick together when you stack, so i could actually stack a pair of containers. Do yours have those as well?

I wanted to magnetize my bots containers, but IMO it would take some pretty strong magnets to keep the container level and prevent the front end from constantly wanting to sag.

I would love to see you do it!

The only ones where I can magnetise a stack (of 2, if that can be called a stack :unsure: ) are the ones I've mentioned for my JM5K...all of mine have magnets in the base to fit on my various carriers, but with the bottom one of that pair there are also magnets inside on the sides and on the roof, and the upper one had magnets on the outside floor as well as the inside floor, to try and make sure they stay together...

....I can see what you mean about the front sagging...I would think a single container might be ok, but not a stack - but the magnets on the claws would be a bit obtrusive - the circular ones I have on the JM5K don't look too out of place on that, but if I do try it on one of my brobots, I've seen some 8mm x 3mm x 1mm that might look ok on the claws... :huh:

The containers i have have magnets inside, so they stick together when you stack, so i could actually stack a pair of containers. Do yours have those as well?

I wanted to magnetize my bots containers, but IMO it would take some pretty strong magnets to keep the container level and prevent the front end from constantly wanting to sag.

I would love to see you do it!

The only ones where I can magnetise a stack (of 2, if that can be called a stack :unsure: ) are the ones I've mentioned for my JM5K...all of mine have magnets in the base to fit on my various carriers, but with the bottom one of that pair there are also magnets inside on the sides and on the roof, and the upper one had magnets on the outside floor as well as the inside floor, to try and make sure they stay together...

....I can see what you mean about the front sagging...I would think a single container might be ok, but not a stack - but the magnets on the claws would be a bit obtrusive - the circular ones I have on the JM5K don't look too out of place on that, but if I do try it on one of my brobots, I've seen some 8mm x 3mm x 1mm that might look ok on the claws... :huh:

It would be best to inlay them, but then again that limits magnet size, and also requires more modification.

As it is, the containers(the ones i own anyways) fit extremely snug in between the claws, so you might actually be forced to inlay any magnets in the claws....

It would be best to inlay them, but then again that limits magnet size, and also requires more modification.

As it is, the containers(the ones i own anyways) fit extremely snug in between the claws, so you might actually be forced to inlay any magnets in the claws....

I hadn't measured the claws, but did wonder if that might be the case from looking at your pics...another possible solution I might look at, for the Colonial Movers ship above, I've now 3d-printed the bottom-centre container as a solid so that I could mount it permanently with the stand-peg receptacle inlaid into it - I could perhaps do another for the Brobot with horizontal keyways that would engage on a matching ledge on the claw :unsure:

...the 3d-container isn't a perfect match for the N-Gauge railway ones, but it hardly notices when painted up and from tabletop distances, but I'd want to get another ship to convert, so this idea will go on hold for a while until the place I get 'just ships' from has another of its regular sales! ;)

I've also noticed on the Facebook group, that someone is testing a replacement 'arm' joint for the ship, so that they can be reposed as required - supposed to be selling them on Shapeways...something else I might think about :huh:

Edited by ianmiddy

Have to confess, after a shaky start, I have rather fallen in love with 3D printing :rolleyes:

...to the point that I now have a large backlog of models waiting for finishing and painting! :wacko:

Here's todays production, took about 8hrs in total, a YV100 ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/YV-100_light_freighter ) from a design by Avioza on Thingiverse:


Only snag is it's a bit of an awkward size, slightly bigger than the Ghost [which is already big for a large base], but quite a bit smaller than the Goz & GR-75, so not really big enough for Epic :huh: ...oh well, will probably go for a Ghost stand of some fashion :rolleyes:

This is actually one of the smaller ships I've been producing (also did an Ebon Hawk yesterday), but the couple of bigger ones need a bit more work before any painting begins... ;)

( Oh, I have actually finished the Eravana Jr and it's various body parts & shuttles, but I keep putting off doing the final weathering of the smaller freight loads, which is why no pics yet - come on Middy, knuckle down, there's only a couple of dozen to do! :rolleyes: )

As the preferred approach seems to be to have dedicated, growing threads, rather than ones for individual ships, I'll collect some I've posted previously in the old repaint thread and elsewhere into this one...hope that's OK :unsure:

Freighters and the like:

attachicon.gif scum.jpg

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Black Sun Ace & wingmen (...or maybe it's TC ???):

attachicon.gif Black Sun.jpg

The obligatory Kath S:

attachicon.gif Kath.jpg

...and I couldn't resist doing a Checker Cab ;) :

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i want those z95

Black Sun Ace & wingmen (...or maybe it's TC ???):

attachicon.gif Black Sun.jpg

i want those z95

Errr...why ??? - They're just the standard FFG "Most Wanted" ones ? :huh:

What kind of printer are you using?

What kind of printer are you using?

XYZ daVinci Junior - I'd been looking at it for a while [mainly because of ease of setup], but HeroWannabe's use of one for his HotAC pieces on here decided me on it...

...comparatively cheap [except for being tied to XYZ's filament], all enclosed and with a reasonable size printbed [6"x6"x6"] - their new Mini seems to be the same machine without the enclosure/SD-reader and cheaper, but I liked the idea of both those features - I don't have mine connected to a PC, and just use the card reader all the time :)

Had some problems to start with, which all turned out to be down to bed-height...only failed prints since sorting that have been due to 3d models not being optimised for printing which can sometimes be difficult to spot after slicing...

I love the idea of Formlabs Form2 resin printer, but at >£3K, not realistic, so this will do me for making x-wing models, ;)

So, finally 99.9% finished the Eravana Jr [can't quite decide whether to reinstate the original dorsal turret, or look for something else], so decided to have a photo session:



Container Tug:





Graffiti & Greebles:



Just the centre section:


...used Epic stands in the end...annoyingly, one snapped in the holder, so I've just glued it all in place, as this won't be going out often enough to worry about storage :mellow:

...and now here she is with the expanded cargo hold & new shuttle, and as a normal VCX:



[one more of the containers, but with the new shuttle]:


Back together:





Been a long time coming...nearly 4mths...but I'm fairly pleased with it in the end :rolleyes:

One of the reasons the Jr was so long being finished is my new compulsion to 3D-print anything and everything I can get models for, so here are a few of the ones currently WIP:

Pursuer Class [or Slave II, if you prefer] - I know not popular with a lot of people on here for being a 'lazy' design, so I tried to come up with a colour scheme to give it a bit of a lift:




The YV100 has got it's base coat on, and a new MFA Turret:


A Ghtroc 720-based Cargo Baroness ( http://deckplans.00sf.com/Ghtroc/Baroness/Ghtroc_Cargo_Baroness.html ):


Again, not a popular ship on here - I've seen it called "a coffee cup on a bog roll on a shoe box" [and that's one of the kinder descriptions], but whilst FFG drag their feet producing a Scum Epic to go up against the CR-90 & Raider, I decided to have a go at a DP-20 - took over 30hrs to print in 4 sessions, and then greebling & turreting-up, but I'm pleased with it so far...just hope I can do a decent paintjob :unsure: :



...and, most recently, gotta love Hondo's new ride as pictured in the "Rebels" thread, especially as it's covered in my favourite containers & crates :D - yes, I know it's the 'original' Sentinel rather than the cartoon version, but had to give it a try:



I realised as I was typing these posts that I've not taken pics of the finished 'Colonial Movers', so will aim to get those done sometime soon!

Plenty to keep me busy for the next few months...and I still need to get on with my Deci-Raider and several other WIPs :wacko:


Edited by ianmiddy

Hello Ian.

Your Ghost Transporters Look FANTASTIC.

really like what you have done and the way they came out.

Everything is spot on !

Big well done.

I see your 3D printer is working over time.

your going to have many......months of painting that lot !

All the best,


Great work Ian! It's cool that you can reconfigure your VCX like that.

When I saw Hondo's ship the other week, I was wondering who'd build or mod it. I should have guessed that you would answer the call. :lol:

Lots to look forward to from you.

Forgot this the other day..."Colonial Movers"...or, in this case, a small automated container freight carrier - thinking that as it has no need for cabin & life-support, that it can perhaps have stats to be heavily shielded to withstand ion-cannon attacks used to steal its cargo ??? :unsure:




Cheers ;)

Edited by ianmiddy

What the printer is currently working on:


Some progress, but UK winter weather isn't too conducive to spraying outside! :(

Scale based on this concept art drawing, & then applied to Mel Miniatures "floating" Epic scale graph:




...now, will just wait for FFG to announce it as SXW58 following R1's release, :rolleyes:

Edited by ianmiddy

Oh my goodness, that ship was awesome in Rogue One. FFG, give us this ship!

On 12/19/2016 at 4:54 PM, Force Majeure said:

Oh my goodness, that ship was awesome in Rogue One. FFG, give us this ship!

So I understand...still not managed to get to see it yet...was hoping to go today, but unexpected car expenses instead ! :(

Hoping there will be some good stills from the film to see where the movie version differs from "Rebels" with the extra engine & 'wings' as seen in the grabs from the trailer in some threads...

...then will maybe try and come up with a removable 'add-on' part to give either version :unsure:

Edited by ianmiddy

Sorry about the car troubles. It's too bad we can't print up a reliable car!

Hopefully you'll get to see it sooner rather than later.

Mel's new Armada R1 Hammerhead v the Rebels one...


Hopefully managed to get an add-on 4th engine to sit over my existing print, will try a test-print tomorrow to see how well it fits and how easy to take on/off...then on to try and match Mel's turret pods...won't worry about the antenna and with luck I can adapt my cargo-pod add-on for use as an escape pod one!

Have to say, it's damned impressive how quick Mel gets his new stuff ready!! :o

Edited by ianmiddy

Hammerhead "Rogue One" magnetised add-ons:



The turret modules are a bit oversize compared to the stills and Mel's, but I wanted enough 'meat' at the attachment points to take a decent sized disc magnet...the dorsal engine is just a couple of millimetres too far forward, but hardly notices, and I still need to do a gun platform for the top of it [the existing 'printed' main guns will be replaced by watch pins, probably].


Now,there's a ship I'd like to see in Epic!

Hammerhead "Rogue One" magnetised add-ons:



The turret modules are a bit oversize compared to the stills and Mel's, but I wanted enough 'meat' at the attachment points to take a decent sized disc magnet...the dorsal engine is just a couple of millimetres too far forward, but hardly notices, and I still need to do a gun platform for the top of it [the existing 'printed' main guns will be replaced by watch pins, probably].

I'm trying to express how amazingly cool those add-ons are, and I'm failing. In addition to being a nice conversion job, it's also incredibly thematic. Not to mention the cool idea of things being shot off the corvette when it gets damaged.

Or simply putting bits onto it to represent what equipment it has. Engine booster? 4th engine. Fill the hardpoints? Put the two side guns on. If you have a backup shield generator, you could put the cargo module on it. Comms Booster? Slap the extra antenna on there.

I don't think I want FFG to make anything quite that complicated as a kit. But it would be amazing to have some custom kits with built in spaces for magnets. And it wouldn't be tournament legal, but if there was a "community standard" for its specs, it would be awesome for casual play.