I'm trying to express how amazingly cool those add-ons are, and I'm failing. In addition to being a nice conversion job, it's also incredibly thematic. Not to mention the cool idea of things being shot off the corvette when it gets damaged.Or simply putting bits onto it to represent what equipment it has. Engine booster? 4th engine. Fill the hardpoints? Put the two side guns on. If you have a backup shield generator, you could put the cargo module on it. Comms Booster? Slap the extra antenna on there.
I don't think I want FFG to make anything quite that complicated as a kit. But it would be amazing to have some custom kits with built in spaces for magnets. And it wouldn't be tournament legal, but if there was a "community standard" for its specs, it would be awesome for casual play.
Have to admit, I have gone a bit 'magnet mad' since starting the container carrier...although, oddly, not been fussed about using them for the bases to make the models pose-able.
I guess FFG did make a start on the 'add-ons to match cards' thing with the Gozanti, since you can add/remove/replace the twin-laser hardpoints and antenna easily
Have been thinking about doing some replacement turrets for the Goz to give Quad lasers, or on the CR-90 main turrets, but not got around to it
...as for the ultimate [for me] magnetised hull-pieces Epic combo, my Deci-Raider has been waiting nearly 6mths for some progress, but other ideas keep getting in the way...and it needs a bit of a 'leap-of-faith' to chance ruining the Deci with whats involved...hopefully soon
Cheers for the kind comments...it was quite satisfying to get the add-ons to work as well as they did...hopefully I can get the thing base-coated soon if the weather improves a bit!
Edited by ianmiddy