I recently played an 11 man kit supported tournament. I had a ball, but played pretty awful. The quick background: I mostly play with my wife. In xwing, Impass, and armada, I have taken on the role of the empire in the household (no force choke jokes, please). We have a great time bringing two squads to our watering hole The Pig's Meow, and playing a game over some pints. It's lovely.
Just getting into the game, my wife and I drove out to a SC at now defunct Empire Games (pour one out for our homie). The store staff, the pilots and the TO (Mr. Chihuahua himself, no less!) were gracious hosts. super friendly, I'm really lucky to be a part of our local. and it turned us deeper into the game (my wife certainly noticed the gender balance, but was ultimately unfazed).
So I slowly built up our collection, leaning on imps, paint is on the way to take me back to my 15 year old wh40k painting days, played a store championship, and enjoyed the deep dive down the rabbit hole, going deeper every day.
My work schedule destroys most weekday nights, and I miss out on a bunch of prime leagues and xwing nights as a result. But here was this tourney on a weekend, and finally got to get out. I was thrilled. 98% of my list building of late had been focused on imp vets. With that damned boat not reaching our shores as of yet, I built a squad of cherneau with engine upgrade, Mara jade, a seismic, predator, and Gunner. RAC was supported by Quiz, title, outmaneuver, and ion pulse missiles. The goal was to put stress and ions in the mix, as I had not really flown any sort of control flights, and naturally, my Vets lists are dependant on those mechanics.
The first round saw me up against a mix of 4 named scum. I flew terribly, landing RAC on rocks almost every other turn, something wasn't clicking. Nevertheless RAC was able to pour out damage when he was off the rocks, and took out three. But suffered a damaged cockpit crit towards the end with only graz left to hunt him down, which was simple enough with PS 0. Loss 100-70.
The second game was more scum, the time kavil and three z95s. My goal this round was to simply fly better and keep RAC off the rock, that poor addict. Mission was mostly accomplished but RAC lost a red die to weapons failure early in the round he couldn't seem to shake, and was thus pretty handicapped most the game. I did get some nice uses of Mara jade plus bomb again, but mostly just reinforced the notion that the way I fly my deci, I should be bringing oicunn. The inquisitor shone this round, taking out kavil, but the z's I poorly managed target selection and left them all on the table to finish off RAC too quickly. Loss 100-30ish.
The bye was nice. I bought some imp dials.
The fourth game was trying. Three y's with autoblasters and a toilet seat. The initial engagement saw me misjudge RAC right into all three autoblasters, the jump bumped his own y, but the turrets gave RAC another damaged cockpit.
At that point, eveything came unhinged. Mara's stress hit each of his ships, and the opponent himself. He was tired, he was getting frustrated. I flew RAC like I should have all night, playing keep away from the ys. He kept self bumping, getting more frustrated as I plinked away at his y's. He chose to concede, we shook. then he made some strange mov calculation in his head, and chose to play on, which I allowed. But as we carried on, tokens got moved sloppily, maneuvers were imprecise, his state of mind was too much for me. He was done. So I conceded in frustration.
0-4. Got an ion token. Had a good time. Learned some lessons.