My Rebel Squadrons (Decent pics finally!)

By 54NCH32, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

So I finally got round to nabbing the camera from work and taking some decent photos of my squadrons and repaints, thought I'd put up my Rebel squads first...

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WOW!.... just wow, These are some of the most amazing squadron paints I have seen.

Edit, what size brushes do you use to do this. I have never painted before and am looking to start but the wide range of products and cost is holding me back.

If you do not mind can you post a list of the colors and material you used to do this?

Edited by Swusn

Cheers. Thanks for the comment. Much appreciated.

This is the first stuff I have painted in about 15 years (since some warhammer back when I was younger). So it was really nice to get back into painting miniatures with this epic Star Wars stuff, and them coming out pretty nicely :)

Sure, I'll jot down what I used and post it soon if I can. And I actually tried to keep a budget in mind when I was gathering paints and materials.

Edited by 54NCH32

They look class - nice job :)

Seriously exceptional work, mate. Love the Black Squadron and green Y-wings. Stellar presentation too (no pun intended), I might have to give some thought to those tabs. Very very cool idea.

Seriously exceptional work, mate. Love the Black Squadron and green Y-wings. Stellar presentation too (no pun intended), I might have to give some thought to those tabs. Very very cool idea.

Many thanks, been wanting to put them up for ages, but wanted some worthy shots to post (my day job is graphic designer, so a quickly snapped iphone pic wasn't gonna cut it :)

Glad you like the tabs, thought it was a nice touch, and the background was just a sheet of A3 card I put though the printer at work, really helped give the pics some atmosphere (pun totally intended :D )

WOW!.... just wow, These are some of the most amazing squadron paints I have seen.

Edit, what size brushes do you use to do this. I have never painted before and am looking to start but the wide range of products and cost is holding me back.

If you do not mind can you post a list of the colors and material you used to do this?

So, as mentioned hadn't painted in a longer time. So I needed to get a basic set-up to cover both the rebel and imperial squadrons, (just the ties and red squadron at beginning, then added colours as I bought and pointed more). Tried to keep everything as Cheap as possible.


I picked up a couple of cheap humbrol brushes. A 0 and a 2, mostly for applying the base coats and the washes. And a higher quality 00 for detailing, Can't remember brand though. (About £4 total)


- Nuln ink wash from games workshop (only thing I bought from GW, all other paints were bought in model shops (one next door!) for around £2/3 less buying other brands.

- Tamiya Royal Light grey (Rebel/X-wing base colour)

- Tamiya Dark Sea Grey (darker grey for weapons, astromechs etc)

- Tamiya Rubber Black (Details, windows - base for black squadron)

- Tamiya Deck Tan (A-wing/y-wing/rogues base colour)

- Tamiya Flat Blue

- Tamiya Flaf Yellow

- Revell Purple Red Silk (A-wing detailing)

- Revell Light Blue gloss (blue engine exhausts)

- Revell Fiery Red Gloss (for red squadron - didn't realise it was gloss when i bought it, but works ok. Also mixed with flat yellow for bright orange for rogues and for rebel engine exhausts).

Humbrol Enamel Blue (109) (for blue x-wing markings).

(So all the above paints, came to about £21 (the GW ink cost the most at £3.75, the rest were around £1.75).

So yeah, paints and brushes came in about £25, the extra bits below I had lying around, but came in VERY handy...

Handy bits:


Johnson & johnson blue cotton buds/q-tips: (These ones work the best)

Cut the tips and blu-tack them to a card of small tupperware box (i used a small 4 inch tupperware box flipped upside down), and tacked about 9 fighters to each one, these bud tubes fit the armada fighter stems perfectly (with a firm push at least). Once tacked to box, I would just go down the line, one at a time, doing one stage for all (for example I based all, then moved to next step). For example x-wings: Light Base > darker detail > touch ups with light > cockpit windows > detailing > wash.

Magic tape

Awesome for cutting small squares to mask off areas for detailing, worked brilliantly on the a-wing and y-wings.

WOW!.... just wow, These are some of the most amazing squadron paints I have seen.

Edit, what size brushes do you use to do this. I have never painted before and am looking to start but the wide range of products and cost is holding me back.

If you do not mind can you post a list of the colors and material you used to do this?

So, as mentioned hadn't painted in a longer time. So I needed to get a basic set-up to cover both the rebel and imperial squadrons, (just the ties and red squadron at beginning, then added colours as I bought and pointed more). Tried to keep everything as Cheap as possible.


I picked up a couple of cheap humbrol brushes. A 0 and a 2, mostly for applying the base coats and the washes. And a higher quality 00 for detailing, Can't remember brand though. (About £4 total)


- Nuln ink wash from games workshop (only thing I bought from GW, all other paints were bought in model shops (one next door!) for around £2/3 less buying other brands.

- Tamiya Royal Light grey (Rebel/X-wing base colour)

- Tamiya Dark Sea Grey (darker grey for weapons, astromechs etc)

- Tamiya Rubber Black (Details, windows - base for black squadron)

- Tamiya Deck Tan (A-wing/y-wing/rogues base colour)

- Tamiya Flat Blue

- Tamiya Flaf Yellow

- Revell Purple Red Silk (A-wing detailing)

- Revell Light Blue gloss (blue engine exhausts)

- Revell Fiery Red Gloss (for red squadron - didn't realise it was gloss when i bought it, but works ok. Also mixed with flat yellow for bright orange for rogues and for rebel engine exhausts).

Humbrol Enamel Blue (109) (for blue x-wing markings).

(So all the above paints, came to about £21 (the GW ink cost the most at £3.75, the rest were around £1.75).

So yeah, paints and brushes came in about £25, the extra bits below I had lying around, but came in VERY handy...

Handy bits:


Johnson & johnson blue cotton buds/q-tips: (These ones work the best)

Cut the tips and blu-tack them to a card of small tupperware box (i used a small 4 inch tupperware box flipped upside down), and tacked about 9 fighters to each one, these bud tubes fit the armada fighter stems perfectly (with a firm push at least). Once tacked to box, I would just go down the line, one at a time, doing one stage for all (for example I based all, then moved to next step). For example x-wings: Light Base > darker detail > touch ups with light > cockpit windows > detailing > wash.

Magic tape

Awesome for cutting small squares to mask off areas for detailing, worked brilliantly on the a-wing and y-wings.

Thank you very much for the write up. I really need to get going on this :)

Incredible work. the best i have seen. bravo. i wish i had the time, or the talent for this.

Incredible work. the best i have seen. bravo. i wish i had the time, or the talent for this.

Wow, thanks.

Cheers guys, really nice to get feedback like this.