Basic Defense cooldown

By FerEnough, in WFRP Rules Questions

Hi guys, I am just starting to play this game with my (also firt-time player) friends and we have a question regarding the basic defense action cards (parry, block, etc).

The main question is regarding the amount of cooldown tokens that should be placed in these cards. The corner circle says "2" but in the text it says "add two recharge tokens to this card..." and this is not something that any other type of action card says. This confused us.

We must place two recharge tokens or four?

I hope this question is not too dumb... tnx in advance guys :)

They are both right, it is 2 recharge tokens in total (not 2 lots of 2 recharge tokens, which is how I assume you were interpreting them together). It states add two because it is a reaction card, I believe most reaction cards state in the line about requirements that you must add X recharge. Just as a sort of reminder, probably unnecessarily so admittedly.

Hope that helps and enjoy the gaming.


Thanks a lot!!

Yes, that was exactly the interpretation that I (and my friends) were confused about.

Everything is clearer now :D

It's generally in there because most 2 cost actions are ready to go after 1 turn in recharge. Because you're putting it in after you've already taken your action you don't get to take your end of turn recharge out and yadayadayadayadayada.

Hope your enjoying the game, feel free to ask us anything else.