My players will soon be visiting the ill-regarded planet Dusk- something I've been wanting to do for quite a while, but which is only now becoming an option (due to the structure of the campaign and the player's choices up 'til now). Ah, but therein lies my problem: my PCs just hit Rank 8, and between their Advances and high-end equipment load-outs, I'm having a hard time coming up with Dusk-based threats that can menace them at all , much less impress upon them that 'taking a walk on Dusk' is supposed to be a harrowing experience that would traumatize most people for the rest of their days. The two Dusk-native creatures listed in the DHRB , for instance, have no chance of damaging my most heavily-armoured PCs (due to the Primitive quality RAW).
Yes, I could just whip up a bunch of beasts that don't have the Primitive quality to their Bite/Claw attacks and hand-wave away any explanation for this, but I'm too OCD to crassly ignore in-game logic and established rules that I have been using consistently up 'til now...
So, I'm asking for suggestions for hazards that could logically be faced on Dusk that can potentially threaten high-Rank (and in some cases MinMaxed) PCs.
The most obvious one is drowning ; I plan on having a number of aquatic beasts that follow the crocodilian tactic of dragging prey underwater to devour at leisure.
Also, I'm considering home-brewing rules for heat exhaustion (exacerbated by heavy armour, naturally, but knowing my players I don't expect this fact will get them to shed their armour). Just dealing Fatigue will not be sufficient, since the party's Psyker has the power that eliminates Fatigue, so I'm thinking about combining Fatigue with a cumulative penalty to TB.
Any suggestions are welcome.