Figure bases - I need suggestions on which color to paint them!

By Arttemis, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

I'm nearing the end of the tunnel for having all my figures painted, but I've been torn regarding what colors to use for Imperial, Rebel, and Scum bases.

Should Imperials be black or dark gray?

Should Rebels be the default brownish color, or light gray?

Should Scum be black, dark gray, or a brownish color?

I'm torn regarding what would look the best. Any suggestions?

I certainly don't know what the "best" is. I'm painting my rebel units with bronze:

Heroes I paint full bronze and other units the border with black, blue or purple if they're a regular group and red if the unit is elite. The stripe also acts as a group identifier. Here's a shot of wookies:


The bronze is done with GW paints Balthazar Gold and Ironbreaker. About 50/50 mix.

Imperial bases I'm painting gray with Mechanicus Standard Gray. That's mostly because they were painted gray in Sorastro's tutorial. To keep the color scheme unified with rebels I might use iron or some dark gray metallic color on them but I don't want to change them anymore.

I've painted scum unit bases the same way as imperials. I could use different color but since I started with gray, I'm sticking with it. And as we play mostly campaign games, they're on the same side as imperials anyway.

Units with Habitat. For those I want to try painting the actual landscape. Here are wampas for example:


That's my way of painting the bases. It works for me. There are many other options like rebasing, painting stripes or dots as identifiers etc.

Very awesome suggestions and pictures! This is the kind of inspiration and explanation I was hoping for when I created the thread. Thank you!

I use wood glue and sand / other material, then diluted paint. I have used gray and sand for regulars to differentiate groups, dark red/brown for elites, green for some regular mercenaries, and white for a lot of the RtH figures.

In progress, and no wash..


First pass of the mercenaries (need to take new pics).


More involved basing (with actual moss):


One more with heroes and their grey bases.


Edited by a1bert

I just paint everything with a grey base. Then the outer side of the base lip, I paint mostly the same pattern of colors, until I get to duplicate non-uniques.

All heroes are black bordered around the lip of the base. Unique villains and allies are red. Elite non-unique villains and allies are red. Non-elite, non-uniqie allies are grey. And lastly non-elite, non-unique villains are green/blue/yellow. This way I can lay an Imperial colored token on their deployment card and it will match which token/base together. I did this mostly for campaign reasons. Skirmish works just fine though as well.


I'm going to follow this thread because I'm kinda in a crisis about this topic as well. It all started well and good, and has since gotten out of hand.

- 3 different rim colors to differentiate the groups from one another: Black, white, red.

- 3 different colored top-of-the-base textures to denote allegiance: Grey, reddish brown, beige. (Although I still haven't painted any Rebel non-uniques which would have those beige tops.)

- New idea! Unique bases for unique units! Which means the idea about the top of the bases don't work anymore.

- So let's have 3 new colors for the rims of unique bases to denote their allegiance: Purple, green, beige.

- I'd also like to somehow add habitat colors to the relevant non-uniques. Haven't gotten that far yet, but it's going to muddle up things for sure!'s a mess. Don't even ask me to explain. It's been a journey!

Once I figure out how to simplify things, I'll probably do some extensive repaints. The obvious thing to do, of course, is to match the unique rims to the non-unique base tops. So purple -> grey. Green -> brown. Rebels were already going to be that way.

The only color I'm happy and sure about right now, is the beige rim for Rebel uniques. It seems to fit them quite nicely. Examples in my signature.

Edited by Hipsu

I like your idea Hipsu in that Id of painted the bases in accordance to the color of the factions.

Imperials = dark grey

Rebels = orangish red

Mercs = dark green

Then the rims/lips be black/white (or light grey)/red.


All of my figures have a black bases.

I think adding the terrain looks cool, but it would bug me if a guy with grass at his feet was walking around in the snow or in a space station.

So all mine are black, and I just color the outer rim of the base in different colors to differentiate groups of generic figures.

Solid black for normal figures, red for elite. If there is a third, I paint it silver.

The way I see it, make the bases really fancy with dirt, grass, etc - or keep them simple.

I put all my deployment cards in slightly bigger sleeves and add a colored piece of construction paper behind it so that each card has an extra colored border around the card, and then paint my base edges to match that color. Elites get red and orange, regulars get blue, green, yellow and purple. The bases for rebel "heroes" get painted grey on the top, and either have red edge color (if their skirmish card is elite), or another "regular" color, usually blue or green. Purple, orange and yellow are generally only used for skirmish only to help denote campaign limitations. All other figure have a black base top, with their designated color edging.

Shown in my nexu list below:


Better image of base edge colors:


Edited by Fizz

Wow you guys are so organized, I am not surprised though that the founder of technology as advanced as FizzGrid would be on the ball like that.

I am just about done my second batch of Stormies and I wanted to differentiate them from the first set (all grey base) so I was going to put a rim around the base. I don't have any other colors yet though so I need to pick one up, lol. I like the idea of matching it to a token so a blue grey purple something like that. The construction paper idea is really neat though.

If one was to go with a blue or green, which citadel paint would you guys recommend?

Edited by FrogTrigger

Wow you guys are so organized, I am not surprised though that the founder of technology as advanced as FizzGrid would be on the ball like that.

I am just about done my second batch of Stormies and I wanted to differentiate them from the first set (all grey base) so I was going to put a rim around the base. I don't have any other colors yet though so I need to pick one up, lol. I like the idea of matching it to a token so a blue grey purple something like that. The construction paper idea is really neat though.

If one was to go with a blue or green, which citadel paint would you guys recommend?

Why thank you! You know, I actually think my level of organization is more of an advantage to my opponent since they can very easily tell what has activated and what has not. What I normally face which is a blob of unpainted, poorly marked figures that generate confusion in figuring what has and has not yet activated.

Fantasy Flight Supply sells the solid-color card condoms use in 5 colors: Red, Black, Blue, Green, and White ( ). Note that these card condoms are bigger than the cards. This is intentional so that the background color of the card condom is visible and gives the card a colored border. I shy away from black and white because they don't "pop" as much as colors do. So I started with Red, Blue and Green colored card condoms (very easy, no additional work involved). After I went to construction paper, I only use the transparent card condoms. There is a small added cost for the construction paper, but it is well worth it both in how the cards look, and the thickness of the construction paper makes the cards feel even more protected, and less like they are 'swimming' in the larger card condom. Using construction paper also gives you a virtually unlimited color selection to choose from, so you can go nuts if you want to.

Transparent card condoms are in the grey packaging:

As for the paint on the rims of the bases, try to match the card condom color as best as you can. This will involve you actually looking at the paint and the card condom (or construction paper), to best make a color match.

Edited by Fizz

I just painted the unit pips with the same color as the bases on the sleeve. Elites are red, so this is only needed between the regulars.


Edited by a1bert

I'm doing the same thing as Fizz, but with Dragon Shields. Black, white, red. It's not 100% perfect system for campaign though because the Rebel players can't see the card backs (which they are allowed to know), but they do see how many elites (red cards) are incoming (which they should not know).

Wow you guys are so organized, I am not surprised though that the founder of technology as advanced as FizzGrid would be on the ball like that.

I am just about done my second batch of Stormies and I wanted to differentiate them from the first set (all grey base) so I was going to put a rim around the base. I don't have any other colors yet though so I need to pick one up, lol. I like the idea of matching it to a token so a blue grey purple something like that. The construction paper idea is really neat though.

If one was to go with a blue or green, which citadel paint would you guys recommend?

Why thank you! You know, I actually think my level of organization is more of an advantage to my opponent since they can very easily tell what has activated and what has not. What I normally face which is a blob of unpainted, poorly marked figures that generate confusion in figuring what has and has not yet activated.

Fantasy Flight Supply sells the solid-color card condoms use in 5 colors: Red, Black, Blue, Green, and White ( ). Note that these card condoms are bigger than the cards. This is intentional so that the background color of the card condom is visible and gives the card a colored border. I shy away from black and white because they don't "pop" as much as colors do. So I started with Red, Blue and Green colored card condoms (very easy, no additional work involved). After I went to construction paper, I only use the transparent card condoms . There is a small added cost for the construction paper, but it is well worth it both in how the cards look, and the thickness of the construction paper makes the cards feel even more protected, and less like they are 'swimming' in the larger card condom . Using construction paper also gives you a virtually unlimited color selection to choose from, so you can go nuts if you want to.

Transparent card condoms are in the grey packaging:

As for the paint on the rims of the bases, try to match the card condom color as best as you can. This will involve you actually looking at the paint and the card condom (or construction paper), to best make a color match.

Do you really go into a game store and ask for condoms?

Wow you guys are so organized, I am not surprised though that the founder of technology as advanced as FizzGrid would be on the ball like that.

I am just about done my second batch of Stormies and I wanted to differentiate them from the first set (all grey base) so I was going to put a rim around the base. I don't have any other colors yet though so I need to pick one up, lol. I like the idea of matching it to a token so a blue grey purple something like that. The construction paper idea is really neat though.

If one was to go with a blue or green, which citadel paint would you guys recommend?

Why thank you! You know, I actually think my level of organization is more of an advantage to my opponent since they can very easily tell what has activated and what has not. What I normally face which is a blob of unpainted, poorly marked figures that generate confusion in figuring what has and has not yet activated.

Fantasy Flight Supply sells the solid-color card condoms use in 5 colors: Red, Black, Blue, Green, and White ( ). Note that these card condoms are bigger than the cards. This is intentional so that the background color of the card condom is visible and gives the card a colored border. I shy away from black and white because they don't "pop" as much as colors do. So I started with Red, Blue and Green colored card condoms (very easy, no additional work involved). After I went to construction paper, I only use the transparent card condoms . There is a small added cost for the construction paper, but it is well worth it both in how the cards look, and the thickness of the construction paper makes the cards feel even more protected, and less like they are 'swimming' in the larger card condom . Using construction paper also gives you a virtually unlimited color selection to choose from, so you can go nuts if you want to.

Transparent card condoms are in the grey packaging:

As for the paint on the rims of the bases, try to match the card condom color as best as you can. This will involve you actually looking at the paint and the card condom (or construction paper), to best make a color match.

Do you really go into a game store and ask for condoms?

Yeah! Us old folks have been calling them card condoms since the mid-90s! I know you young kids are still embarrassed about all that so you have to hide your card condom purchases with other, non-related items, like dice and Expansion Packs for other games, hoping the cashier doesn't see that you are buying card condoms and she gives you that judgemental glare because you know that **she knows** you're buying 50 of these extra large card condoms, but are only gonna use 10 of them. And then you sneak off with your dirty purchase in an unmarked, brown paper bag, waiting to get home to put those card condoms to good use. But you just cant shake that judgemental glare from the cashier. It ruins your whole game night.

Heh. I remember being young. At my age, I ask for whatever the hell I want, and I am just glad the dice work and I can read the cards.


Edited by Fizz

I'm doing the same thing as Fizz, but with Dragon Shields. Black, white, red. It's not 100% perfect system for campaign though because the Rebel players can't see the card backs (which they are allowed to know), but they do see how many elites (red cards) are incoming (which they should not know).

Yep, I just tell my campaign players what affiliation the cards are. Most of the time, they really don't care.

I'm doing the same thing as Fizz, but with Dragon Shields. Black, white, red. It's not 100% perfect system for campaign though because the Rebel players can't see the card backs (which they are allowed to know), but they do see how many elites (red cards) are incoming (which they should not know).

Yep, I just tell my campaign players what affiliation the cards are. Most of the time, they really don't care.

Edited by RogueLieutenant

All of my figures have a black bases.

I think adding the terrain looks cool, but it would bug me if a guy with grass at his feet was walking around in the snow or in a space station.

So all mine are black, and I just color the outer rim of the base in different colors to differentiate groups of generic figures.

You'd think that but with all the mechanics you need to keep track off you never notice.