Been thinking about getting out of the game for a while. Before Christmas time seemed as good a time as any. (Need money for gifts! =) Anyway, I'm not trading anything, but there are some amazing deals on ebay now:
Menuett Dances starting at $5 with only hours left
Playsets of Nightbreakers starting at .99 cents., single KB .99
Many other rare sought after UR beginning at .99
Path of the Master copies beginning at .99 - buy it now 2.50
Twilight Embrace, Heir to the storm, controller of souls, midnight launchers, jaguer mask, all .99
Toughest in the Universe, Shredding Vibrato - cheap
Playset Clash of the Ages 1.25
2x Tekken Forces .99
Playset of Striking Thunder .99
Never have so many rare cards for UFS been on Ebay at one time, for so little.
Don't miss your opportunity to buy low on these great sales