a shade hiding in a tree

By Lord Loren Soth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


a couple times happened that my shades where hiding in trees now in the trees they have shadowcloack and their ghost ability and that mean that they cannot be attacked...how does ghost and shadowcloack interact?

Ghost says that you cannot be harmed by adjacent melee attacks.

Shadowcloak says that you cannot be harmed by any attack made from a non-adjacent space.

Therefore, a ranged or magic attack made from an adjacent space will still hurt the shade in the tree. It requires a non-tank character to move forward probably more than they'd like (which makes it a good OL tactic) but it does not make the shade invincible.

Edit: Ryric apparently responded while I was checking rules and editting my post. He is of course correct, and his response would make more sense to anyone who had seen my original post.

Also, Ghost only protects from adjacent melee attacks. Ranged and magic attacks work fine, so a ranged or magic character can just run right up next to the tree and blast away.

Ryric said:

Also, Ghost only protects from adjacent melee attacks. Ranged and magic attacks work fine, so a ranged or magic character can just run right up next to the tree and blast away.

**** you are right :D

i always forgot that rule about ghost and in the heat of battle we forgot to check


Best way to deal with Shades in trees is if you have a tank next to it and a mage within range of Spiritwalker.

Failing that, yeah just advance in with a mage/range guy, hit the shade, then move him out of there if possible.

Or just move the range/magic hero into the now unoccupied tree :)


Often, the shade's best bet is to just never stop soaring. He's immune to all melee attacks, not just adjacent ones. He's also adding 4 to the range of all incoming attacks, which might make the magic and ranged ones miss (or at least soak up some surges).

are soaring creatures affected by trees? i guess not

Soaring creatures are unaffected by all terrain.

Except they can't end their movement on a square containing another figure or an obstacle that blocks movement. I think. And as far as I know they can't attack from such a square either, but I'm not sure.

The core rules prohibit attacking while sharing a square with another figure, and neither Fly nor Soar says anything to let you ignore that. However, there's no core rule saying you can't attack from a square that you can't move into (logically enough), and neither Fly nor Soar says anything to change that, either. There's debate over whether or not you can trace LOS for an attack while you're in a rubble space, though.