Great Undertaking. Tl;dr risk assessment and artist search.

By SirRunOn, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

NOTE: Most of the Image links here will break shortly. The Abidel Sector thread will appear to replace them soon.

Hi guys,

Well, a year in and I'm finally getting there through all the other stuff I've had to do. An entire overview listing for Ristan Subsector, down to rescources in the asteroids, is getting there.

I'm a bit worried that there might be no one to read it. It would be easy enough to pick and choose a particular system, but I'd have to put it in a format people would be willing to look at.

For that purpose I could use someone with a bit of artistic skill and maybe flair. The planets of Ristan sub, at least some of them, need images to go with. Is anyone good enough to do some reasonable color imagery for that? Doesn't have to be awesome but just get the features right. Anyone out there up for that kind of thing?

Thanks a lot.

BTW: would anyone be interested in what I have so far?

Edited by SirRunOn

I am, but have no artistic talent of the kind you need, sorry!

Nice start!

Slowing that camera down so the movements are slow and stately instead of frantic is a goal of mine.

This might do the trick.

Also the Sector is considerably more complete than last time. Since I don't control the tour it does tend to meander though.

I tripled the frame rate and then halved the speed with movie maker.

Should be an improvement. I couldn't get a little stagger out of it on youtube, even though there's none on my machine.

I got a still of the sector from above:


And the planetary systems are coming along.


Istanbul, Knight world from Ristan sub.


Ustoid, further out in the Istanbul system, and a moon in frame.


The convoluted web of Junon IV's moons.


Biauk Biyu, planet in the Free Colonial Biauk system.


Biauk Xi, its neighbor with rings and moons.


Svepuslam, far outside Imperial territory.


Wondrous rings.


Even from underneath.

I continue to plug away.

Grr... for some reason my prose is stilted lately and I'm coming out with tense disagreements like these:


Syndawell is a macro sized microcosm of the Imperium as a whole. A crazy ride that everyone wants off of but no one is quite sure how to leave. The only people going to Syndawell are typically recruiters, Inquisitors and people recruiting for Inquisitors.

Reputedly Syndawell is a very lively world where life is short and amazingly more people have died there than are currently alive. To make up for this, huge twenty plus child families are the norm seeing as unprotected sex is not only the law, but also the national passtime, and the planet has maintained a population of seven hundred eighty nine billion quite admirably.


I'm just not feeling it so maybe it's good no one is paying attention anyway. I might manage to scribble something out in an Abidel sector thread later.

Going nuts on the project.

Trying to get this baby up and running.


Kudos to whoever can figure out what that is.

Hangers on some sort of star fortress is my guess.

Starting to gush on how good this is looking.


I am kind of surprised no one knows what one of these is yet.


By memory I think FFG has two of them in their parts of the setting.

Is it a Blackstone Fortress? It's hard to be sure at this zoom level.

Oh, sorry. I didn't know I was getting too close.

Let me see what I can do about that.

Maybe this?


Still might be too close...

How bout this?


That's a little further back, but people might not be used to looking at that angle. It's hard to get a good shot because only parts of it are colored.

This is a better distance shot, if you don't mind the lack of detail color in places.


Kind of odd since pictures of these things dot the books here and there.

Fine I'll chip in, is it a Ramilies-Class Star Fort?

Give the man a cigar.

Heh, or was he over in the Rogue Trader version of this thread too?

That's a Ramilies Class Star Fort alright. I'm painting it up generic as I can for the first try. Might end up doing Fleet Base Metis from the maw (with lots of rocks and little stuff around it) and Watch Fortress Erioch (much darker colors and Thunderhawks sprinkled here and there) once I get this one done.

Note I'm shifting to a full Abidel Sector thread so most of the image links here will break shortly.

Keep on the good work man, what you do is cool and very detailed!


Remember to keep up with the three Abide Apocrypha threads in Rogue Trader, Death watch, and Dark Heresy 2.0 general discussion.