Two missions at once with Contingency Plan

By omegalazarus, in Star Wars: Rebellion

There seems to be some confusion about when you attempt/resolve the new mission that contingency plan gives you. I think it is over several turns, like so

Rebel assignment phase - Assign CP, Assign Starter missionA (example)

Imperial Assignemtn phase - Empire assigns whatever


Rebel command phase - Rebel reveals Starter missionA (with appropriately skilled leader) and attempts/resolves it

Imperial command phase - Empire does whatever on their turn

Rebel command phase - Rebel reveals Contingency Plan (CP) (with appropriately skilled leader (logistics) and immediately places that leader (or leaders on CP) onto a starter mission (secret to the EMpire for now)

Imperial command phase -Empire does whatever on their turn

Rebel command phase - Rebel reveals Starter missionA to be the mission and attempts/resolves it with the leader/leaders that were originally on CP

Imperial command phase -Empire does whatever on their turn

So, if you are re-using a mission, then the whole rebel process takes three of their command turns. One for the starter mission, one for the Cp, one for the re-do of the starter mission. At no time do you get to reveal two missions in one turn (i.e. - reveal the CP and then reveal and do the new mission as well)

IS this correct? Or can the rebel reveal CP and immediately attempt a new mission in that same turn (withouth the Empire doing a turn or revealing or activating?

Or can the rebel reveal CP and immediately attempt a new mission in that same turn (withouth the Empire doing a turn or revealing or activating?

This is correct, you immediately resolve/attempt the mission selected by CP.

I'm not sure that's right as doesn't it say assign this leader. Not perform?

"If lando Calrissian was assigned to this mission, he gains 2 additional successes when he attempts a mission later this round"

Later this round, so I would say it takes the 3 actions.

"If lando Calrissian was assigned to this mission, he gains 2 additional successes when he attempts a mission later this round"

Later this round, so I would say it takes the 3 actions.

"If lando Calrissian was assigned to this mission, he gains 2 additional successes when he attempts a mission later this round"

Later this round, so I would say it takes the 3 actions.

The card says later this round. Not later this phase.

Although, this conflicts with the definition given under Rounds, so...suddenly, unsure. Might need official clarification.

Edited by KoalaXav

Full card text:

Assign this leader to a starting mission from your hand, even one that was already attempted or resolved this round.

If Lando Calrissian was assigned to this mission, he gains 2 additional successes when he attempts a mission later this round.

I disagree. The key is the word round.

The second sentence uses 'later this round', which suggests to me that it is not an instantaneous activation of the replacement mission.

From this wording, I agree that Contingency Plan is a 2-turn process during the Command phase:

1. reveal CP to move its leader(s) to a starting mission (that you assign now, during the Command phase).

2. reveal the starting mission, and either attempt or resolve it as indicated.

If the starting mission was previously revealed this round, then yes: it's 3 turns in the Command phase for the whole chain of performing a mission twice.

Edited by phaze

You might be right. I sent a ticket for clarification this morning. At least it's a more valid question then hypothetical but incredibly unlikely death star scenarios.

Yeah, having 'round' mean different things depending on combat vs not, etc. isn't making it easier to parse. =)

Yeah, having 'round' mean different things depending on combat vs not, etc. isn't making it easier to parse. =)

Yes. And the way they use it in Command Phase is contradictory since it makes it sound like multiple rounds occur in a command phase while the listing under Rounds makes it sound like the command phase, assignment phase, etc. all occur inside of a round.

I assumed it was using round in the standard game way like you have a turn when we each have a turn that's around there are several rounds in a phase.

But when you define a term like round in a certain way for a game, your usage of it should be consistent with that definition.

Official response time.

The “Contingency Plan” mission allows you to assign the leader to a new mission. You do not resolve the new mission immediately, and must wait for the next Rebel turn in order to resolve it.

I hope this answers your question!

- Corey Konieczka

VP of Research & Design

Fantasy Flight Games


Edited by DarthBadger6