So I've just dived into the game and had a couple of first games with the starter set preset decks. So far this is generating some questions and I thought I would put them in place here.
The one that leapt out first that I thought I would start on is Robert Baratheon. He gains +1STR for each other kneeling character. The first query was we assumed this meant all characters, not merely others in the Baratheon players play area, so he gets stronger as people kneel to oppose or indeed to do or have done anything previously (powerful in a melee we assume).
The second query is when do STR changes like this kick in especially during a challenge - is it at resolution or is it dynamic through play. We started only thinking about the added on STR at the end of challenges but a few cards came up that made it appear much more dynamic. In particular the timings in Kraken's Grasp that made us wonder. Firstly if anyone is knelt anywhere is it accurate that Kraken's grasp bounces off Robert Baratheon because as soon as someone kneels his STR goes to 6 making him invulnerable to the card - given he has to be defending and that generally means someone is knelt to attack pretty much stops it affecting him.
Then we wondered about if the card is played and successfully takes him out after some putative card effect that stands everyone who might have initiated the challenge, would he stay out as his STR increases because the Kraken's Grasp has already has its effect, or would he come back in as the STR increase subsequently cancelled the effect - the second hypothetical option was more so we got our heads right for thinking of other combinations - we don't know the cards in the deck well and with expanding decks we imagined all sorts of effects so wanted to see we had timings right with wordings.
Any comments welcome on that one and then Im sure other questions will pop up. Thanks all!
[EDIT - now aware Im in the wrong place]
Edited by myrm