hello there again i have more questions about the game and i need your help.....the questions are:
1.mata and kata can move chests ? money ? and what is their role to play them as best as you can ? monsters can be spawned right ?
2.can players or monsters attack from dia position when a door is positioned between them ?
3.heros can rest in town or should they rest on a square on the board?
4 i play most of the times the lord and after the 4th quest.....i always win when i play against three heroes
5.big monsters can move and go to another room ? example the twins giants in the second quest can block the way of heroes to go in the room
6.for three heroes i bleive it is impossible after the 5th quest...your opinion ?advice for heroes to play better .......
7.how many cards the lord has at the beginning of the quest ?
8.about the heroes ....new quest means they lose everything and they start with the basic abbilities and what given from the lords book instructions?
9.i think i found somewhere a software to create a hero in order to play in descent...is that acceptable ?
thank you a lot!