How to combat.

By ChewfalconSolo, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hey guys.

I picked this game up a while ago. But the rules guide is a pain. So hard to understand.

I looked up a few youtube videos on it and found most of my answers.


One thing each one failed to mention. How to resolve combat.

For example. There are different kinds of health. Can a Snow Speeder attack an AT-ST and remove all of its health? Can it attack a groung troop? Or is it considered a part of space combat?

The list goes on. But if someone can tell me in a very point blank, basic form how all kinds of combat can be resolved. That would be fantastic.

The fact that I don't know all the things about this game is the main reason I'm not playing it.

blue build icon = space unit

(SSDs, Death Stars, and Death Star Under Construction are also space units)

orange build icon = ground unit

Space only attacks space, ground only attacks ground.

black health = light unit

red health = heavy unit

black health units can usually only be damaged by hits from black dice

red health units can usually only be damaged by hits from red dice

exeption to the above: all dice have a direct hit, which can be used as either a red or black hit.

The Dice Reference on the back of the Learn To Play book is a handy table for this.

There are a few tactics cards that bend the rules slightly; for those, just follow what the card says.

Edited by phaze

So if a Unit has Black and Red Health. Is it required to loose health of both kinds before it dies? Or can it take two of either kind before it dies?

No units have black AND red health. They may do black and red DAMAGE, but, no unit has both colours of health

Alrighty. I must have missed that. So assuming I am attemtping the example of a Snow Speeder VS. AT-ST. I roll the Black and Red dice. The Imperial Player rolls his/her dice. We each roll a Black and Red hit result. But not Direct Hits.

Does that count as only one hit towards each unit?


Remembering that one side attacks then the other. It is not simultaneous, BUT, destroyed units still get to attack that round.

Hersh has the right of this. The die face that looks like an exploding planet counts red or black, whichever is more beneficial to you (but has an entirely different meaning outside of combat). The only thing I can add is that combat also requires you to make pyew-pyew noises and an occasional Wilhelm scream.

Hersh has the right of this. The die face that looks like an exploding planet counts red or black, whichever is more beneficial to you (but has an entirely different meaning outside of combat). The only thing I can add is that combat also requires you to make pyew-pyew noises and an occasional Wilhelm scream.

Sorry Koala. I thought that teh "pyew pyew" noises were just understood, along with vrooom noises when moving vehicles.

Hersh has the right of this. The die face that looks like an exploding planet counts red or black, whichever is more beneficial to you (but has an entirely different meaning outside of combat). The only thing I can add is that combat also requires you to make pyew-pyew noises and an occasional Wilhelm scream.

Wilhelm scream? DAMMIT, i missed that. No wonder I've been getting pwnd.