Flesh Camouflage Set Questions

By GenInsJoe, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hey all, I'm a relatively new GM for FFG SW, and had some questions about the Flesh Camouflage Set (FCS). Hope you guys can help!

My broad question is: what are the limitations of the FCS? I understand that a Gamorrean could not become a Twi'lek, but I think that there are a few things that could be clarified:

1) Obviously, wildly different species are a no-go; but what about very similar species? I'm talking mainly about the near-human species, such as Chiss (described as a genetic offshoot of humans), Zeltrons (from the Unofficial Species Menagerie), and Arkanians. It seems reasonable to me that the since the FCS manipulates the user at the genetic level, converting to a closely related species wouldn't be too far a stretch.

2) What about sex? Again, the description about how the FCS mainulates a users genetics is kind of broad. Theoretically, as long as mass is preserved, it should be possible to change outward appearance of sex (body proportions, ect) but only have it be skin deep.

What have other GM's allowed their players to get away with?


It's up to the GM and how far they want it to go really. FFG's Star Wars is more a story first system, so extreme details are often left up tot he GM and what he thinks will work for the story. You're questions about the flesh camouflage is a great example as you've taken a pretty simple description (It's a really fancy disguise kit that also allows you to fool DNA scanners) to a pretty impressive extreme (can manipulate your genes to get a radically different physical appearance).

So really, I think the answer to both your questions is: Take it however far you think will work in your campaign without causing game play, story, or consistency issues.

I mean you might get some interesting results. What if the DNA shift wears off after a certain about of time but is also effected by stress, body chemistry, ect.? Could make for an interesting game if at the worst moment possible the Human Imperial male Admiral that's bee escorting a group of rough VIPs on a surprise inspection suddenly turns into female Devaronian...

I like the idea of it wearing off. Perhaps that is one of the effects of a despair or four threat. I think I would still somewaht limit it to closely related species; but allow some gender swaping (although things like height and weight remain the same.

And the description says it's a mix of gear, so you have the option of a transformation like from the Scratch and Sniff episode of Farscape, or you can mix and match, like the gene stuff changing skin and hair, but ears and noses still needing to be prosthetic...

Also if you haven't seen it, watch Scratch and Sniff. It's a fairly stand alone episode, so no real background needed, but it is edited with some creativity. The story is ace though, pure EotE, just with extra Muppets....

Edited by Ghostofman

Here is a kit in action (sorry about the quality, was not able to find a better source on a hurry):

Here is a kit in action (sorry about the quality, was not able to find a better source on a hurry)

I disagree. IMO, that was more like a surgical procedure, performed by nanotechnology. There was no makeup being applied, and there’s nothing to risk washing off. Moreover, it had the support of the most advanced medical facility in the galaxy.

After that procedure, Obi-wan swallowed a tiny droid that had recorded Rako Hardeen’s voice, and provided the vocal transformation capability.

Here is a kit in action (sorry about the quality, was not able to find a better source on a hurry)

I disagree. IMO, that was more like a surgical procedure, performed by nanotechnology. There was no makeup being applied, and there’s nothing to risk washing off. Moreover, it had the support of the most advanced medical facility in the galaxy.

After that procedure, Obi-wan swallowed a tiny droid that had recorded Rako Hardeen’s voice, and provided the vocal transformation capability.

Makeup? Are you mixing the advanced flesh camouflage kit [®2500 credits] up with the disguise kit (100 credits) ?

… advanced flesh camouflage kits allow user to drastically change their appearance all the way down to genetical level. They can be used to fool bio-scanners and even impersonate other individuals, especially if the individual was kind enough to donate a genetical sample, … . The disguises created by a flash camo kit are so good that seeing through them requires a Formidable (5 purple) Perception check. …


But yeah, that tiny remote is most likely part of the kit as well. Most-likely scanner proofed as well.

Edited by SEApocalypse

Here is a kit in action (sorry about the quality, was not able to find a better source on a hurry)

I disagree. IMO, that was more like a surgical procedure, performed by nanotechnology. There was no makeup being applied, and there’s nothing to risk washing off. Moreover, it had the support of the most advanced medical facility in the galaxy.

After that procedure, Obi-wan swallowed a tiny droid that had recorded Rako Hardeen’s voice, and provided the vocal transformation capability.

Makeup? Are you mixing the advanced flesh camouflage kit [®2500 credits] up with the disguise kit (100 credits) ?

Maybe a little but I don't think he is.

Read the full description of the Flesh Camo kit. It's like a disguise kit that can also allow you to scramble your DNA on scanners or make your DNA show up as someone elses.

The ability for the DNA part to change your physical appearance is neither confirmed or denied. That's up to the GM. I mean a DNA morph is pretty cool and can work really well if properly deployed and interpreted in a way that prevents the user from essentially becoming a changling. But it's not a definite confirmed function, and no GM could be called foul on for deciding it's just a bunch of fake noses and a Genesequencer connected to a micro-cloning pack.

Read the full description of the Flesh Camo kit. It's like a disguise kit that can also allow you to scramble your DNA on scanners or make your DNA show up as someone elses.

The ability for the DNA part to change your physical appearance is neither confirmed or denied. That's up to the GM. I mean a DNA morph is pretty cool and can work really well if properly deployed and interpreted in a way that prevents the user from essentially becoming a changling. But it's not a definite confirmed function, and no GM could be called foul on for deciding it's just a bunch of fake noses and a Genesequencer connected to a micro-cloning pack.

IMO, the DNA-related function of that kit would be that you would have a small sample of the blood (or other DNA) of the target, and you’d be able to incorporate that into fake fingerprints, or some other way of physically masking your DNA and providing the target DNA instead, whenever a sample is taken to “prove” identity.

Or maybe you get a small device you can bring along or have inserted subcutaneously that could alter the way your DNA is perceived by devices that do the sampling — wirelessly hacking their sensors to read something different from what they would normally read.

But that wouldn’t be anything like cloning the target, or actually changing all/most of the DNA in your body to match that of the target.

Read the full description of the Flesh Camo kit. It's like a disguise kit that can also allow you to scramble your DNA on scanners or make your DNA show up as someone elses.

The ability for the DNA part to change your physical appearance is neither confirmed or denied. That's up to the GM. I mean a DNA morph is pretty cool and can work really well if properly deployed and interpreted in a way that prevents the user from essentially becoming a changling. But it's not a definite confirmed function, and no GM could be called foul on for deciding it's just a bunch of fake noses and a Genesequencer connected to a micro-cloning pack.

IMO, the DNA-related function of that kit would be that you would have a small sample of the blood (or other DNA) of the target, and you’d be able to incorporate that into fake fingerprints, or some other way of physically masking your DNA and providing the target DNA instead, whenever a sample is taken to “prove” identity.

Or maybe you get a small device you can bring along or have inserted subcutaneously that could alter the way your DNA is perceived by devices that do the sampling — wirelessly hacking their sensors to read something different from what they would normally read.

But that wouldn’t be anything like cloning the target, or actually changing all/most of the DNA in your body to match that of the target.

DNA cloaks, etc are already part of the 100c disguise kit. And star wars scanners do not work that way, they just scan the whole body and do not need to take tissue samples to check your dna, species or such.

Keep as well in mind that this kit requires a 5 purple check, the maximum possible to see through the disguise of the FLESH camouflage kit. "change their appearance down to genetic level"

"Formidable: 5 Purple dice : Picking a lock with no comphrehensible mechanism, cloning a new body, finding food and shelter on a planet without breathable atmosphere, recognise the person who uses an advanced flesh camo kit is an imposter"

But hey, if that does not convince you, whatever. Maybe it was a rainy day and the makeup running away made it a simple check. ;-)

If you prefer something else for the kit then go with it: