Cthulhu dice trays

By velvetnsatin, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

So I was recently at a con and I saw this elaborate set up for Arkham , including these dice trays that are clear green acrylic with tentacles on the front and I have looked everywhere for them since. Scoured gaming stores, talked to all of my game shop owning contacts, even talked to Broken Token. NOTHING! These dice trays have become the bane of my existence. Do any of you arkham lovers know what I am talking about and where I can get these things? I know they aren't custom because I have seen 4 or 5 different people with them. Just haven't seen them since. Help a girl out! PLEASE!!!!


Sorry, but I've not seen them. I'll keep my eyes open at Origins in a few weeks and let you know if I come across them



Edited by The Professor

Maybe ask on boardgamegeek as the game gets more attention there and lots of home made stuff