I have been trying to jump start A:NR where I live and surrounding areas. Shop owners are hesitant to pony up for all the expansions due to money and shelf space.
Players are turning away for several reasons;
Too many cards, not so much $$ as trying to buy, sort and work new stuff into their decks. The back log for newcomers (like me) is very intimidating.
It's too complicated with all the counters for agenda advancement, asset advancement, ice advancement, power boosting icebreakers, tags, bad publicity and different ID's for the Corp.
Using just the Core set can help this out, but there are some holes that the Core set does not quite fill. We really need to include everything in small doses. The core is pretty good at this but some filler would help.
I'm trying to find something to go to after learning with the Core set other than jumping into an unlimited format.
I have had some ideas but it is had to make one size fit all.
Core only. Best bet so far but will severely limit different deck types.
Core + one deluxe set of your choice. However since the deluxe sets are mainly geared to just 2 factions you get either the runner stuff you want, or the corp. , but maybe not both.
Core + one regular expansion set (let's say Spin Cycle). You get a lot of stuff for all the factions but not enough to make a really big difference and for 6 expansions at $15 each that's $90.
Core only at first, then add creation and control. Limited to HB vs Shaper but a good mix to allow different types of decks and probably the best one for learning the game at a more advanced level.
So has anyone (or any place) tried out a type of interim format? I've made some flyers and dropped them off around game, comic shops. Trying to put together a beginner's kit with the official FAQ printed out. Some single core set decks (used with creators permission) and a list of websites for info and resources. I'm going to see if the local game store will order a few core sets and have the owner give this to anyone that buys a set. I'm pimping the game as much as I can.
So any ideas for a limited type of play that we can use to develop new players and any promo ideas would be welcomed.