Any ideas for limited series

By buzard, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

I have been trying to jump start A:NR where I live and surrounding areas. Shop owners are hesitant to pony up for all the expansions due to money and shelf space.

Players are turning away for several reasons;

Too many cards, not so much $$ as trying to buy, sort and work new stuff into their decks. The back log for newcomers (like me) is very intimidating.

It's too complicated with all the counters for agenda advancement, asset advancement, ice advancement, power boosting icebreakers, tags, bad publicity and different ID's for the Corp.

Using just the Core set can help this out, but there are some holes that the Core set does not quite fill. We really need to include everything in small doses. The core is pretty good at this but some filler would help.

I'm trying to find something to go to after learning with the Core set other than jumping into an unlimited format.

I have had some ideas but it is had to make one size fit all.

Core only. Best bet so far but will severely limit different deck types.

Core + one deluxe set of your choice. However since the deluxe sets are mainly geared to just 2 factions you get either the runner stuff you want, or the corp. , but maybe not both.

Core + one regular expansion set (let's say Spin Cycle). You get a lot of stuff for all the factions but not enough to make a really big difference and for 6 expansions at $15 each that's $90.

Core only at first, then add creation and control. Limited to HB vs Shaper but a good mix to allow different types of decks and probably the best one for learning the game at a more advanced level.

So has anyone (or any place) tried out a type of interim format? I've made some flyers and dropped them off around game, comic shops. Trying to put together a beginner's kit with the official FAQ printed out. Some single core set decks (used with creators permission) and a list of websites for info and resources. I'm going to see if the local game store will order a few core sets and have the owner give this to anyone that buys a set. I'm pimping the game as much as I can.

So any ideas for a limited type of play that we can use to develop new players and any promo ideas would be welcomed.


We've just started something similar in my local area, to bring new players into the game. Our plan is the Core + Deluxe model, which does lead to players having to pick a pair of factions, one of which might not be their first choice, but it's the easiest method to get new players involved and thinking about deck building.

Our plan is then to allow players to add cards from a single datapack every two weeks and once 6 packs have been added to the pool we plan on having a mini tournament with a GNK in the prize pool along with a few other bits. After the tournament players can add a second core or another deluxe expansion, their choice, and we go back to adding a new pack every two weeks. This repeats until we are up to a full collections in rotation.

It mitigates the cost that way, down to just 2 datapacks a month at most and since older packs can be found a little cheaper online (I have only paid retail for Mumbad and maybe 2 other packs since starting in November last year) it is more cost efficient. The whle set up runs on a league basis with points for showing up on games night and for winning games and prizes are awarded based on points on tournament days.

Netrunner isn't a cheap game to get into, especially if you want to play competitively, and throwing yourself in can be daunting. Plus i don't find that actually buying everything at once helps, not at all, since the size of the pool can be overwhelming, and so an escalation format makes it easier on the wallet and the brain. I'd suggest pointing prospective players to one of the many articles on the various Netrunner Sites and blogs about getting into the game as well as they tend to chronicle how others have done it at this late stage (i've got one on

Good starting spot.

I also ran across a few other good ideas;

Mono decks. Core + what ever expansion you want to throw in, but only your faction and neutral cards. Simplifies the deck building aspect.

Core set but add extra influence to each ID. Allows beginners with some experience to expand their deck without buying a lot more cards.

FFG really needs to come up with an official limited format to get more people playing the game. My case is a little extreme but I have a 3 hour round trip to go somewhere to play. Primarily because locally no one want to spend that much money and try to learn a game this complex. A limited format would really help expand the number of players by solving both issues.

Edited by buzard