Spent Accuracy icon dice are removed from your pool. You can spend them before rerolling everything else with Veteran Gunners, but those Accuracy dice are gone for good and do not get rerolled.
That's interesting, confusing and I don't have a clue where it says that in the rules.
Although I like that ruling.
I'm also not sure whether accuracies should be all spent together.
Page 5, RRG, Effect Use and Timing:
• An effect that modifies attack dice can only be resolved during the “Resolve Attacks Effects” step of an attack unless another timing is specified.
• If two or more of a player’s effects have the same timing, that player can resolve those effects in any order.
Page 7, RRG, Modifying Dice
Modifying Dice Dice can be modified in the following ways by game effects:
• Reroll: When a die is rerolled, the attacker picks it up and rolls it again. A die can be rerolled multiple times.
• Add: When a die is added, roll an unused die of the appropriate color into the attack pool.
• Change : When a die is changed, rotate it to display the indicated face.
• Spend: When a die or die icon is spent, remove that die from the attack pool.
• Cancel: When a die or die icon is canceled, remove it from the attack pool.
So, let us say we have a Ship with Veteran Gunners, A Concentrate Fire Token and Dial, and Screed...
It throws 2 Reds and 4 Blacks.
Straight Away, the player elects to spend the ACC to lock down a Brace Token.
He then decides to add a Red Die with his Concentrate Fire Dial, and promptly rolls a Blank.
This has his Dice pool at BLANK, BLANK , BLANK, BLANK, HIT, HIT/CRIT
He now he decides to throw Veteran Gunners, as he still has some Modifying in his pocket...
Disaster! He only gains one hit, now at BLANK, HIT , BLANK, BLANK, HIT, HIT/CRIT
He picks up the Lone Red Blank, and throws it again with the Concentrate Fire Token ... He Gains an ACC, and promptly spends that to lock down the Redirect of the Enemy.
He then Spends the Blank Black Die to activate Screed, Turning the BLANK into a Hit/Crit
His Final Die Pool is HIT , HIT, HIT/CRIT, HIT/CRIT - and he's locked down 2 Defence tokens..........
If there had only been 1 Red Die in the pool, and it rolled an ACC, and then he spent it - he could not add a Red with the Concentrate Fire token at that stage, as he would only be able to add a black.