I don't like game mechanics that require a deck shuffle. It slows down the game unnecessarily. If the concern is the advantage of additional info regarding what you will draw next then balance the card cost accordingly or have them put the cards on the bottom of the deck. Dominion doesn't count because the reshuffle happens at the END of your turn in that game, so the next player can start taking theirs without waiting for you. Warhammer Invasion is much more interactive and thus much more vulnerable to game mechanics that eat up a lot of time. I want to spend time playing, not shuffling.
Gripe about Dwarf Cannon Crew
Just how many times are you having to shuffle the deck in a game really? How many DCC are you packing? One shuffling of the deck during the game hardly adds anything to the length. My current most played game (and has been for the last 16 months) is WWE Raw Deal, there are decks that see shuffing, sometimes multiple shuffles each turn, either from searching the deck or recycling something back.
I was simply stating a preference. I don't want to cards that require mid-game shuffling to become common. There are plenty of other game mechanics to use if the goal is to add variety.
In response to "hardly adds anything in length", it DOES add in length without adding to strategy. My choice to shuffle the deck this way or that is not a game strategy, but I am spending time dealing with shuffling rather than spending time on game strategy. Why add mechanics that don't add to the game? Is it ok to add annoyance with no benefit as long as the annoyance is small? How about we just don't add annoyance at all instead? That is my preference.
Can't you shuffle AND work on game strategy at the same time ? Shuffling after searching/looking at the deck is pretty standard fare in card games, shouldn't come as a surprise.
Hell, some people say that's all you do in Dominion .
There are no mechanics that suitably randomize a deck other than shuffling. There is no cost that would suitably cost the foreknowledge of your next 3-50 cards (depending on your memory and the mechanic) in addition to allowing you something other than just the look, without being more than is worth paying. Card advantage wins games, period. Knowing what you are going to get before you get it is a huge advantage allowing you tostrategize better and respond with a certainty tactically that can't be duplicated by anything else.
Placing cards at the bottom of the deck is definitely an alternative here, but that is not the same thing as a shuffle... all that said a single shuffle cut should take no more than 2-3 sconds... if you are really bad at cutting
Not to mention that since you put DCC into play the next action is your opponents so they could be doing their action (if they have one) while you are shuffling.