For the first session of the campaign, I want to start the PCs in media res, pretty much right at the beginning of their first action scene. But, being the first session of the campaign, I'm concerned the setup of the scene will take away from the feel of beginning it in the action.
The background of the scene: the PCs have been hired by a scout to serve as his crew on his mission to survey a planet whose coordinates he wants to sell for big money. The PCs are to make a cut of that price.
The setup of the scene: the ship is parked in a savannah next to a lazy river, and the scout has wandered off to check something out. The PCs are back at the ship, doing whatever, waiting for his return.
The scene: the PCs begin hearing distant shouts of "run!" coming from the direction the scout went off in. Very soon, they see him cresting over a low rise, running toward the ship and gesturing wildly at them. It quickly becomes evident as he comes into view he is being chased by a fistful of gundarks. Roll initiative.
Simple enough, right? I'm stealing the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark, but from Jock's point of view.
My concern is needing/wanting to know what their characters are doing when the scene begins, but not wanting the moment of action ruined by a round table discussion of minutiae and arguments of "I would totally be on guard at all times!"
Do I, more or less, dictate what each of them is doing at that moment based on what their role or skills are?
Do I ask them ahead of time, like during Session 0 or character creation, for 3 or 4 or 5 activities of what they might do on the ship when they're relaxing in between scenes and then randomly roll one for each? (That could be a useful chart for future encounters as well.)
Something else?