So we have a head on advice but I would like the amazing painters out here to post up some picture tutorials for people to get an idea of what processes you use and how go about doing thing.
- You can reserve up to 2 posts in a row. Just reserve them and post up a tutorial when you have it ready. Updates are always appreciated!
- For those watching this thread, please keep on topic. . . Yes, I know I am the one saying this, but I will endeavor to stay on topic and mostly hand out likes.
- Questions are welcome! Keep them polite and try to do it all in one post. Let's keep this as uncluttered as possible.
As always, Command Casual and have fun!
Let's see some great works.
(I will admit. . . This is me also being selfish and wanting a single thread to go over instead of hunting through everyone else's threads for your tutorials)