Post your picture tutorials! The one stop shop for all your tutorial needs!

By Lyraeus, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

So we have a head on advice but I would like the amazing painters out here to post up some picture tutorials for people to get an idea of what processes you use and how go about doing thing.


  1. You can reserve up to 2 posts in a row. Just reserve them and post up a tutorial when you have it ready. Updates are always appreciated!
  2. For those watching this thread, please keep on topic. . . Yes, I know I am the one saying this, but I will endeavor to stay on topic and mostly hand out likes.
  3. Questions are welcome! Keep them polite and try to do it all in one post. Let's keep this as uncluttered as possible.

As always, Command Casual and have fun!

Let's see some great works.

(I will admit. . . This is me also being selfish and wanting a single thread to go over instead of hunting through everyone else's threads for your tutorials)

Reserved for A-wing tutorial

I made several months ago, painting tutorials on the Danish Armada Facebook page.

Its four PDF files, one for each of the following rebel starfigters.





So having previously built some 3D obstacle to replace my tokens, today I decided to create some AA laser turrets for a campaign I am slowly piecing together for my friends and I.

Overall, took around 6 hours, and cost about £10 in materials. (bought as many bits and pieces I could from the £1 shop! :) )

- Balsa Wood: 5mm thick
- Dowel Rod
- DIY putty pellets
- Pack of 5mm bolt nuts
- Auto Spray Paint (black and gray)
- Pack of cheap car fuses
- Gardening wire
- Lava rocks

I already had some left over lava rocks and dowel rods from my asteroid field builds, so my plan was to create some asteroid mounted AA turrets (for use in a "squadron attack phase" part of a campaign mission I am designing.

After hunting around town for bits and pieces, spray paint, more balsa etc, the main thing I was looking for was something that would make a good basis for the turret platforms. I managed to find a pack of car fuses for £1 which were ideal.

Stage 1: So, after picking out 4 of the fuses, I cut up some pieces of balsa (for the turret columns and the platform mounts), a small piece of thin plastic for the back platform section, and selected 4 of the smallest lava rocks:


Stage 2: The mounts. I cut 4x40mm square, around 50mm cuts of dowel rod (screwed into the 5mm nuts) and then glued them to the centre.

Stage 3: Spray that s**t :)


Stage 4: While waiting for the pieces to dry, I cut up some small lengths of gardening wire and painted them black, these will be the turret cannons

Stage 5: Now dry, I touched up the grey coats on the platforms and columns, then dry brushed with a Tamiya Light Sea Grey.


Stage 6: The turret cannons were placed into the columns with some tweezers. The grain held them quite firmly, so I decided not to then remove and glue back in, (to prevent and damage to the fragile balsa).

I made level mounts on the asteroids, using some DIY putty (which I forgot to photograph) i placed the putty on, leveled it off, then applied some pitting with a small make up tool of some description that I stole off the missus, to give the putty a natural, rocky effect. The asteroids were then touched up with dark grey, washed with nuln oil wash (a lot of it, those rocks absorb a lot of liquid!) Then drybrushed them with light grey.

The turrets were then glued to the platforms. The asteroids to the stands. And finally the turret platforms glued to the asteroids...




Now just need some Dice armament and Hull value tokens to print out at work and mount onto them.

Here they are, with all the other 3D scratchbuilds that this awesome game has inspired me to build...


Each one of these has been very rewarding to build, and look awesome on the table. Now I just need to finish off that Stations base stand!

Edited by 54NCH32