I am very new to this game and I just love it! -- just got the core set and having a hard time beating Anduin -- is there a natural progression of what the next purchase should be to develop a newbie? I'd like to mix in some challanging quests with some beatable ones but still learn some deck-building strategy. So far, I've only done the mono decks so I think after a few more tries of Anduin and Dol Guldor I'll be ready for an Adventure pack or two or possibly an expansion -- any suggestions? Thanks !
Next purchase?
Most people recommend getting the first 12 APs (the entirety of Mirkwood and Dwarrowdelf Cycles) as well as the first expansion Khazad-dum.
And, due to everybody's crush on Galadriel, Celebrimbor's Secret.
I've been playing this game for just over a year. I'm a total geek and completionist so I'm working through everything in order. I only play solo and have yet to beat Dol Guldor. Everything else I have been able to beat. But the beauty of this game is you can do whatever makes you happy as a gamer. I am not experienced enough yet to be able to build amazing decks. But I'm getting better at assessing a quest and building a deck to beat it. But Randyman, if you're a newbie, be aware that this game is relentless and always offers a tough challenge. Some experts on here can "break" quests but I'm a million miles from that!!! Most of all, just enjoy the game and the world Tolkien created. From his imagination!!! Yes, he made it all up!!!
I also only play solo but unlike you have only played once and failed miserably in the first scenario. Sadly I am a bit of a geek hoarder/collector and already purchased Over Hill and Under Hill, Khazad-dum, Black Riders and the first two AP's from Mirkwood cycle. My plan initially is to try all spheres solo against first scenario then mix them up. I have not opened the AP's yet to look at the cards as I am sure where to put them all. I like to keep sets and things seperate but that may not be viable with this game or I will have boxes everywhere. Good luck anyway.
I also only play solo but unlike you have only played once and failed miserably in the first scenario. Sadly I am a bit of a geek hoarder/collector and already purchased Over Hill and Under Hill, Khazad-dum, Black Riders and the first two AP's from Mirkwood cycle. My plan initially is to try all spheres solo against first scenario then mix them up. I have not opened the AP's yet to look at the cards as I am sure where to put them all. I like to keep sets and things seperate but that may not be viable with this game or I will have boxes everywhere. Good luck anyway.
I saved up my pennies and bought one of these. It is awesome and solves all of your card storage problems!!!
I found this thing today:
I'd love to find more for each deluxe!
Where did you find it? That looks gorgeous.
Looks custom, but it's a pretty good job.
It's official, as far as I can tell. It's all printed directly on the cardboard. I'm not sure if the LGS got it as promo material or as one of the sadly random packages their distributor drops on them (the shop asks for products, the distributor deigns to deliver some of them eventually, plus items they didn't ask for). The FLGS wanted about the price of a pack of art sleeves for it, which was fine.
At first I thought it was just some sort of promo piece of cardboard that was used to advertise the game, but yesterday I noticed it had a price tag. There were other similar items, but not for LCGs I think. If FFG produced more of these full-art boxes I'd keep buying them! I think I can fit Khazad-Dûm and Dwarrowdelf in it, but I have to find actual cards to be sure
Here's a terrible re-take with bad flash: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/3048775/gnurf
Having played about 20+ different quests, multiple times, and having a good sized card pool, my advice for newer players is to avoid a starting threat higher than 30, sometimes I play with a starting 30, but I'm not crazy about it, the lower the better. Forest snare (core set) that hill troll in anduin. First two cycles of Ap's that go with core and Kazhad dum are good. I started with core, then khazad dum, then heirs, and then the ap's for the three as I could find them. I highly recommended conflict at the Carrock for hero frodo and the player cards. Another good purchase is on eBay where you can get 1 copy of each of the cards that the core set only gives you two of, I.e faramir etc.
Having played about 20+ different quests, multiple times, and having a good sized card pool, my advice for newer players is to avoid a starting threat higher than 30, sometimes I play with a starting 30, but I'm not crazy about it, the lower the better. Forest snare (core set) that hill troll in anduin. First two cycles of Ap's that go with core and Kazhad dum are good. I started with core, then khazad dum, then heirs, and then the ap's for the three as I could find them. I highly recommended conflict at the Carrock for hero frodo and the player cards. Another good purchase is on eBay where you can get 1 copy of each of the cards that the core set only gives you two of, I.e faramir etc.
I have really struggled to find the single cards on ebay and would love to find another sneak attack etc
Hmm, I checked eBay just now, and you're right, I no longer see the listing. Next best piece of advice would be to find the card image online and print it, cut it out, and place it in front of the brok ironfist card nobody ever uses, and slip it into a sleeve. Any true lotr addict should get sleeves, they shuffle as nice, but they cut down on wear and tear. This is what I do, no way I'm buying multiple core sets.
Hmm, I checked eBay just now, and you're right, I no longer see the listing. Next best piece of advice would be to find the card image online and print it, cut it out, and place it in front of the brok ironfist card nobody ever uses, and slip it into a sleeve. Any true lotr addict should get sleeves, they shuffle as nice, but they cut down on wear and tear. This is what I do, no way I'm buying multiple core sets.
Which sleeves do you recommend ?
It's official, as far as I can tell. It's all printed directly on the cardboard. I'm not sure if the LGS got it as promo material or as one of the sadly random packages their distributor drops on them (the shop asks for products, the distributor deigns to deliver some of them eventually, plus items they didn't ask for). The FLGS wanted about the price of a pack of art sleeves for it, which was fine.
At first I thought it was just some sort of promo piece of cardboard that was used to advertise the game, but yesterday I noticed it had a price tag. There were other similar items, but not for LCGs I think. If FFG produced more of these full-art boxes I'd keep buying them! I think I can fit Khazad-Dûm and Dwarrowdelf in it, but I have to find actual cards to be sure
Here's a terrible re-take with bad flash: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/3048775/gnurf
That looks like the deck box that came in one of the early Game Night kits: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2012/12/11/the-stuff-of-nightmares/
Nice find, very jealous!
Cheers, good to know
Now I wonder what else the store has lurking in in its basement!
In a post like this, thefirst recommendation would be to look here:
Personally, just pick whatever part of the lore you like best. E.g. if you like dwarves buy Khazad Dum etc (for a faction wise view see the link above).
I got started like that and even in solo I could beat most quests. Not at all the time, that never happens in this game, but with some deck building and luck most things can be mastered (exception Dol Guldur solo that came several boxes later). Depending on how much deck building you've done before. Otherwise just grab decks from Ringsdb.
If you're looking for most "fun per dollar/euro/whatever" I would buy deluxe boxes. I know it's tempting to buy packs for powerful cards but a deluxe offers 3 scenarios for around 30 $/€ (so 10 per scenario) while APs come at around 12-15 $/€ for a single scenario.
Deluxe boxes may add a pile of cards which aren't actually used until you get the related adventure packs though. So you may have a fat deck of cards and no scenario to go with it :/
Buy in order. The game builds up that way. Going for a power deck ruins the experience. That's my advice.
If that helps any.
Edited by legofiddl3