do you age when you are in carbonite freeze?

By Allan983, in Game Masters

i want the group of players to a meet 1 of my characters from the mmo game star wars the old republic. She (the character from star wars the old republic) has beening frozen down in carbonite. she woke up under the clone wars era. when she wakes up. she is a bit confused and have lost her my question is ? do you age when you are in carbonite freeze? so is it possible to woke up decades after you beening frozen down without your body has taking physical damages ?

Pretty sure the idea is that carbonite keeps you pretty much in stasis, not aging or anything. I do imagine that 3500 years in that state would leave a person pretty messed up. If the frozen person has any sort of dreams, for example, he would have spent about 100 times as long dreaming as he had been awake. His sense of reality is going to be horribly distorted. He doesn't need to have lost his memory, if that's the plot point you're looking for. He'll have so many dream memories that he'll have no idea which one is real.

While I do not know about the RP rulebooks, the idea to me sounds fine from general star wars lore.

Wookipedia here : has quite a bit of info.

As it is like flash-freezing as a preservative, things shouldnt age or would only age slowly. They also describe it as hibernation thus implying all bodily functions slow to a very very low rate. Also mentioned is its use in long distance long time space travel for early spacers.

So I would say that your character would either not age, or not have aged very much.

However, hibernation sickness would likely need taking into account and the character act accordingly from suffering quite a severe case of that.

:) Hope it works well and have fun.

Watch the Return of the Jedi and see how Han copes with being thawed from that exact process.

The longer it is the longer they may need to recover, but there should be no aging, just as long as there's someone there to insure the thawing process doesn't go wrong.

After all Darth Vader was testing it to make sure Luke would survive being frozen so he had good reason to make sure it worked, going back to KOTOR you need to understand just how good was their tech, who supervised the freezing process and how different is it from when Darth Vader asked about it?

If there's no problem there, then all well and good but rewatch ROTJ and figure your version will take a lot longer to recover unless it involves a medical team present to help them a force user with enhance might recover sooner.

You could also consider a stasis field .

In an older WEG adventure the mcguffin is a pair of children that had been frozen for a long time. No aging there...

You do get freezer burn....

I’d be inclined to run it like super-deep hibernation. You age at a rate somewhere like 1/10th normal speed, or maybe 1/100th, or even 1/1000th.

Pick a ratio that works for your game/story, and run with it.

Physically, you're probably aokay. Mentally however, you are going to be ALL messed up. Han was aware those whole nine months - a "big, wide awake nothing" as I seem to recall the book describing it. So over several millennia? That's going to leave some . . . .quirks . . . .behind.

And don't forget that Enter the Unknown gives us Specimen Containers that specifically have both life support and stasis systems in them for a fairly low cost. My bounty hunter group always kept of few of these in their cargo hold because they were much safer than having prison cells on their little ship.

Pretty sure the idea is that carbonite keeps you pretty much in stasis, not aging or anything. I do imagine that 3500 years in that state would leave a person pretty messed up. If the frozen person has any sort of dreams, for example, he would have spent about 100 times as long dreaming as he had been awake. His sense of reality is going to be horribly distorted. He doesn't need to have lost his memory, if that's the plot point you're looking for. He'll have so many dream memories that he'll have no idea which one is real.

Very interesting...

You do tend to change shirts, if i recall correctly.

It would leave them pretty messed up for a while, but no, you don't age much more if at all. If you are in true stasis and don't age, then your brain also wouldn't be active. So no dreaming. That being said, this is Star Wars, and Star Wars is Fantasy. You can really make it work however the storyline needs it to work.

If the frozen person has any sort of dreams, for example, he would have spent about 100 times as long dreaming as he had been awake.

I'm not sure if you are talking about the "dream time" theory that dreams happen in the space of second (saying that when you dream you can dream years in a few hours) but that has been proven false.

That being said if you do dream and you have been in stasis for 3k+ years, that's ~24 hours of dreaming a day. And for a force user could actually make them stronger, honing their mental abilities.

That being said if you do dream and you have been in stasis for 3k+ years, that's ~24 hours of dreaming a day. And for a force user could actually make them stronger, honing their mental abilities.

Or crazier. ;)

Pretty sure the idea is that carbonite keeps you pretty much in stasis, not aging or anything. I do imagine that 3500 years in that state would leave a person pretty messed up. If the frozen person has any sort of dreams, for example, he would have spent about 100 times as long dreaming as he had been awake. His sense of reality is going to be horribly distorted. He doesn't need to have lost his memory, if that's the plot point you're looking for. He'll have so many dream memories that he'll have no idea which one is real.

Very interesting...

I kinda stole it from Vampire: the Forsaken. Vampires in that game will sometimes go into torpor for years, decades, possibly even centuries. During that time, they dream, often about events they actually lived through, or possibly about things happening around them, if they have certain mental powers. They tend to be a little unhinged when they wake up, having lived through the same events over and over, just a little different each time. :D

Han appeared to age in carbonite, but that's only because Harrison Ford aged between the making of Empire and Jedi . Ostensibly, you shouldn't age, or at least not quickly.

Doesn't have to be carbonite.

Stasis field works. Suspended animation, by technology, by nature, or by the Force could work. Character could have been caught on the edge of an Event Horizon, or accelerated to within a hair of lightspeed so that time decelerated for her exponentially. Wormhole, those are great for sci-fi "do whatever you want" story elements. Heck, she could actually just be a clone with the memories downloaded into her brain from computer taken from the original 3500 years ago.

So I read in Nexus of POwer that the early core worlds would use carbonite to suspend colonists when sending out slower-than-light colony ships. Since one of those journeys could take thousands and thousands of years (if not much longer), it sounds like we have our answer.

Also, holy smokes - there's a game for you: finding one of these seed ships a million years out from port, full of ancient people. Culture shock 101 baby!

Also, holy smokes - there's a game for you: finding one of these seed ships a million years out from port, full of ancient people. Culture shock 101 baby!

To mix many metaphors: Holy Botany Bay, Batman!


There's a quest on Taris in SW:TOR where you find the rulers of the planet frozen in carbonite.

IIRC you can unfreeze them, and that's several hundred years after the events in KotOR 1.