Interdictor Cruiser build

By Dieter122, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Finally got around to trying to make an Imperial Interdictor Cruiser.

The ship stats are based around being twice a nebulon B, and nearly 4x as durable as a Raider.

Base is foam board. The grey is heavy card stock glued atop.

The tower is layered foam board.

I left the hull to be flat, and may just draw circles for the gravity wells... As I want the ship to be able to be flown over easily by other ships. 3D would be nice but would also get in the way

I still need to make the shield generators, and quad turbolaser turrets/hardpoints.

Fore = 10 shield, 16 hull

Aft = 10 shield , 16 hull

Command tower = 8 shield , 8 hull

Quad turbolasers (ea) = 1 shield, 4 hull

Shield generator tower (ea) = 3 shield, 2 hull

The ship gets 12 energy per turn.

The gravity wells require 6 energy per turn to keep online

9 destructible hardpoints (all quad turbolasers). Their range will be 1-3, their other attributes are the same as found in FFG epic.



Edited by Dieter122

Looks promising! Can't wait to see more.

I'm excited to see this when your all done!

I build a Victory-Class Star Destroyer table/ship that I have been dragging my feet on finishing for the last couple of months. Thanks for sharing your build and motivating me some with it. I did cards up for all the hard points on mine and printed them out to make usable turbo lasers and such. I don't have any pictures of that portion of my build on be but I'll try and snap some tonight to share with you tomorrow.

I do however have some pictures of the Victory, not finished yet however. I got a huge playmat for it and it will be used as a play area/playable ship once its done for 2 vs 2 games.

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Incredible work. 3D elements on yours while still able to fly over it.

I was going to do a victory initially but it would need to be scaled down significantly to fit even on a 3x6 play area I figured.

What materials did you use for the base and surface?

Thank you!

I'm lucky that when I built my folding table I made it at the same time as I was building the Victory so I sized the table to fit and ordered a 4x6 play mat (In sure that's the size of it) just for it to fit on.

I went way over kill on the base and built it out of 3/4" MDF board, could have done 1/2" I'm sure, but once it was bought and cut it there was no going back, on top of that I used craft foam to apply the details as it was easy to cut to shapes as I went and makes it so the bases for the ships that fly across it don't slip and slid out of place when crossing some of the contours.

The center piece I did with thick cardboard and then again the craft foam for the "skin" on it to make the details.

Mine will be played as a "mission" style game with the imps trying to defend the command bridge of the Victory while the other faction attempts to break through the turbo lasers and take down the Victory.

My inspiration for mine came from this forum post.

I'm excited to see this when your all done!

I build a Victory-Class Star Destroyer table/ship that I have been dragging my feet on finishing for the last couple of months. Thanks for sharing your build and motivating me some with it. I did cards up for all the hard points on mine and printed them out to make usable turbo lasers and such. I don't have any pictures of that portion of my build on be but I'll try and snap some tonight to share with you tomorrow.

I do however have some pictures of the Victory, not finished yet however. I got a huge playmat for it and it will be used as a play area/playable ship once its done for 2 vs 2 games.

image_zpsdlwn2gva.jpg image_zpsem98steo.jpg

Did you build that Frigate as well? Or is that a mini from something other than Xwing/Armada?

The Nebulon B frigate is from Space Rocks UK, which sadly received a Cease and Desist from the mouse back in December and shut down. I was one of the lucky few to get my hands on one before the shut down.