The Tyrexian Chronicles

By Tyres Kem, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Yesterday evening. UK time. I opened up Amazon on my browser and typed "edge of the empire" into the search. Two minutes later it went through the checkout and I got my email confirmation.

Estimated Delivery: Thursday 2nd June.

Here is where I'll post about everything from character creations to especially fun gaming sessions. To begin, here is some "just for fun and getting started" character ideas:

Buzz Lightyear



Jessica Rabbit

(Cheekily inspired by Disney involvement in Star Wars with a hint of inner child)

I've created a Google+ collection for chronicling the STORY and accompanying games. I've also got a COLLECTION for my collecting but that has little to do with EotE beyond the characters.

Will be posting a video Introduction in a few days for the STORY collection. The COLLECTION collection already has its first post.

Be back with some thoughts soon.

Edited by Tyres Kem

So I've got a Hutt villain and Dark Side Force Sensitive hero. Not saying Dark Siders are "good", only that he is battling evil but not being cute and virtuous about it.

Can't wait for the rulebook to arrive so I can start creating them.

Star Wars but not as you know it :)

Did the music part of my Intro. Will complete the video once I've gotten the full version of the Apps. Which means no watermark and no Star Words.

Edit: video removed to make room for a better version

Edited by Tyres Kem

Right now I'm working on the big proper introduction. Already it's shaping up to be better than this. I've got two named Adversaries, Nemesis really, and the one Player Character. Lots of excitement as I count down the days to my EotE rulebook arriving :)

But since this is going to be closer to The Force Awakens than Galactic Civil War I'm going to move into that forum to continue posting.

That and because..........