Sleeving Ancient Ones, Heralds and Investigators

By Capitaine Costaud, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

I love Arkham Horror. I sleeve everything, even the expansions I've yet to play: they're pre-sleeved. Finding sleeves for monsters was a hassle, but I found a place which produces them. But, woe is me: I haven't been able to find sleeves for the Ancient Ones format of cards, nor for the Heralds format.

I found some references for these sleeves on old posts in this forum and on Boadgamegeek, but the links are outdated and lead to nothing.

Could anyone point me in the right direction? Does anyone have a solution up their sleeve for me? Where in the world can I get my hands on sleeves for my Ancient Ones and Heralds?

I fixed the problem with investigators, Heralds and AOs by laminating them

This questions popped up often, so possibly some google fu with boardgamegeek as keyword as well will lead you to more exhaustive answers

I think you're looking for this .
General hint: When you're looking for sleeves for a given game, check the geeklists, sort by "Hot" - "Card Sleeve Sizes for Games" appears as one of top voted lists for most games