Looking for some input and advice on a situation that has arisen in the game I'm running.
Through a series of convoluted Rogue Trader-ey events, the explorers have indebted a Necron Cryptek with great resources. Each of them has requested some kind of boon as thanks for the assistance they provided to him. Most of it's simple stuff like Necron weaponry, or Necron augments to existing equipment, that sort of thing. What brought me here is the request of our Heretek rogue trader who has been in constant pursuit of immortality-through-machine body: She requested biotransference as the Necrontyr of old.
Setting aside the obvious socio-political consequences of pouring once's self into a living metal shell in the Imperium, is this even a thing the Necron are capable of doing anymore, and if so, what would even be the effects of doing so if I decided I wanted to take that plunge?