Timescape consolodation

By caeaston, in Talisman Home Brews

Hello all,

So here is an open ended question to the community. As far as I have been able to dig up there are two possibly three independent Timescape home brews, not including my own. So I guess that's four if we're keeping count.

I had started converting all my own cards into the new format but found out quite by accident that converting the other independent ones was quite easy. So the debate, convert or not convert?

Now I know that home brews have a personal touch so I wanted to be respectful and get the feelings of the masses. Specifically there are two files with a large number of cards that can be converted quite easily azoic_timescape_10-2011 & exp_wynn_timescape-2016.

The map is another story, but let leave this aside for now.


(...) I wanted to be respectful and get the feelings of the masses.



You should get the feelings of the authors of those home brews. There is a substantial number of authors who don't want their creations to be modified.

Its a fair enough point, problem is I don't know who the authors are.

So rather than step over someone perhaps someone could point me in that direction?

I've sent messages to the authors pointing them to this thread. Hopefully they will pay a visit soon.

Thank you for your email, Jon. :)

The stuff I've put together is totally open for change, adoption, conversion, anything. I share stuff that I've already incorporated into my physical game set, and after that, it belongs to the community, I figure. I'd love to see more Timescape cards, whether they are inspired by mine or not, so get creative! :D

This is for the exp_wynn_timescape-2016 set.


That is very kind of you. I certainly don't want to change anything, just update the cards to use the new Strange Eons TimeScape backings and front templates. I will absolutely share these once complete.

On the note adaptation I had a look at you Semblence board and it has inspired me. A bridging board between the two larger ones is inspired; but is there another connection point? I mean I've created about half a dozen smaller boards that fit in the place of the Deep Realms and I would really like to keep using them. Then it hit me. I've created a scale accurate map of all the boards and how they might connect. Then I created the connection points; the Towers (It could just as easily be changed to say Semblence Gate but I hope you'll get the idea). You enter one tower, move on a D3 (1-3) and can exit from any other tower other than the one you entered.

Have a peak; https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=F898A8DF1BFB1D7E%21105

Personally I'd love to see a version of timescape that occupies the middle region of the board, with random points that could eject you back out to the outer region(runes spaces possibly). I am so impressed with the standard of the majority of homebrew so that are made, kudos to all you out there who share your work with the community.

I'm trying out a little homebrew of my own, once it's ready I'll share for your opinions on how to improve it.

Edited by Sithassassin