I am at the moment giving some extra attention to the mining of an asteroid belt in a reasonably settled system. So far, some of my ideas are:
- The centre of operations will be a vast space station where most of the ore is processed into metals and even refined if need be. This space station is fed from numerous sources, amongst which:
- At the most primitive level, large asteroids will be the site of 'regular' mining operations (as on planets) based on a power, life sustainer and crew quarters pod. From this base, classical mine shafts are dug to extract the precious minerals. Probably not the most efficient method of mining but in WH40K terms still doable. The only capital investment is the mining base (which is both build to last and to be deployable to another asteroid). Labour is provided by whatever you wish: bonded workers, prisoners or mutie dregs.
- The next level will be the 'prospectors' looking for suitable asteroids to drag/push to the space station for processing. These prospectors can be either free agents (gold rush anyone) or employees, looking and vying for the most profitable asteroids. Once found, they have to claim it (possession equals title!) and keep it. This will allow for a nice frontier feel in the space station, with independent miners striking a rich haul, bars, everything that goes with bars, the criminals that follow suit and you name it.
- More organised are larger system mining ships. These ships are equipped with an asteroid mining facility and are large enough to strip down entire asteroid on their own. If possible, they will try to refine the ore as much as possible. This will allow them to fill their holds with precious metal instead of ore and means they can stay longer in the mining zone.
- Finally there might be some fully fledged warp capable mining ships operating in system. The advantage of having a space station close by is a huge one, It is far more efficient to mine asteroids with this specialised ship than transport its proceeds. That any basic trading ship can do more efficiently, as they have far more cargo space.
- The space station is both the industrial melting and refining centre and the entrepot of the megatons of different metals won. At (semi) regular intervals trading ships from forge worlds will pass to unload these metals in their cavernous holds, brining in return new people to try their luck and everything such a station needs.
- A last caveat. To turn iron ore (which should be plentiful) into steel, carbon is needed. This is quite hard to mine in space. But different ways might be used, from the (don't laugh) waste products of the residing humanity to carbons/hydrocarbons imported from a nearby planet (or possibly from a different system, in those huge trading ships).
So, what do you think of it. Does this seem logical and WH40K'ish enough?