I'm planning on running a fairly short campaign in a few weeks which will put the players as a group of hive gangers instead of acolytes.
The whole idea was just something I spit balled to a few of my friends and they all expressed enthusiasm and wanted an open world that they could just try to come out ontop.
So my biggest challenge is coming up with an open world Under hive. Since there is so much fluff on it I'm sticking to Desoleum, but I will be designing my own under hive settlement for the setting.
In an effort to reduce the logistical nightmare of building this world for them to try to conquer, I'm going to try to rip off the political system of the Holy Roman Empire for the settlement.
ie Undergangs swear allegience to the Overgang and must join them to repel outside threats like mutants and Arbites, but are otherwise autonomous and free to all kill each other. When the current
"OverChief" dies the five Elector Gangs (Who will probably be called the 'lector thugs or something to make them sound less regal) vote to see who will become the new Overchief.
The game will pick up upon the death of the last Overchief, thus giving the players a goal (force the Electors to vote for them), and giving me a way to predict what they will try to do.
But I'm looking for some help from the community to actually build my settlement, I'm thinking a big cluster of buildings around the Hive's Spine, but I'm not totally sold.
Anyone have any interesting ideas for an underhive setting? I'm looking for everything, characters, locations and aesthetics.