Sarone's Star Wars: Hutts Space Chronicles (Season 1) OOC

By Sarone, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Heh. The two boosts from you came up blank CC. Guess I didn't need them after all :D

Or you have them to thank for your success, depending on your point of view. haha

From a certain point of view...

Nah, last one in so they are the ones on the far right :rolleyes:

Well I'm not used to being on the far right...

Starting Destiny Pool: 4 Light Side/7 Dark Side

At the moment, assuming the above (assistance, destiny flip and 1 floating boost I can grab) the odds are OK but not great. If ColonelCommissar is willing to spend those advantages he rolled on more boosts I sure could use some.

This is my pool, correct me if I'm wrong: A PPP BBB DDD C SS

Starts out at A A A P , one upgrade for the captain's skill, another for the destiny flip brings it to A PPP . Added boosts from 2 unskilled assistants and 1 more for the floater from TheErthafien.

I could really do with another boost or two here (CC?) to make it better than the approximately 60-65% chance I'm estimating at the moment :o

Tracking that. Math looks good. Tracking the Destiny Flip. Destiny Pool: 3 Light Side/8 Dark Side

I had one floating boost, one from sonovabith as noted and one from JalekZem, as noted.

Sorry Kymrel, I can't help, as I've done my action for this turn.


Did you use the 4 advantages for something CC? If not, perhaps you would consider throwing some of them into boosts for Massan? Perhaps you can ease the draw on the ship's power or similar with that effect?

They remain unspent, and as you're taking the next roll you can have two Boosts. I'll spend the other two to create a floating Boost.

Advantages have been broken up, with two added as immediate and one floater.

Thanks, I'll need those I guess. Time for the roll.


Heh. The two boosts from you came up blank CC. Guess I didn't need them after all :D

Mechanics to fix the port engine - 2nd try : 1eA+3eP+5eB+3eD+1eC+2eS 1 success, 3 advantage
So, success and 3 advantages.
Sarone: Can I spend the 3 advantages to have the life support system kick in and clear out some of the smoke, reducing the number of setback dice in future rolls in engineering by 1?
I'll write up the IC post assuming I can, I'll edit if I have to spend the advantages on something else.

That will be an Easy Computer check or you can let the environmental systems take over, though it will be upgraded with a Destiny flip ( C SS ). The advantages can be used to help out the next person.

Destiny Pool: 4 Light Side/7 Dark Side

You can have it be from the following:

  • heal 1 strain per advantage
  • add a boost die to the next check per advantage
  • spend two advantage to add a floating Boost die for the encounter
  • get 1 special per advantage

Heh. The two boosts from you came up blank CC. Guess I didn't need them after all :D

Or you have them to thank for your success, depending on your point of view. haha

From a certain point of view...

Nah, last one in so they are the ones on the far right :rolleyes:

Well I'm not used to being on the far right...

Round is complete.

  1. Sensors are back online. I'll post in game what they see.
  2. Consoles and the ship has gone through checks and everything is good with the ship
  3. Portside engine has stabilized, though it will need to be restarted. At least it won't explode on you this time.
  4. The Captain will be inspecting Massan's and Daal's work. He is stilled ticked off about what is going, though. (Upgrade to difficulty when dealing with the Captain , C DD S to placate him)
  5. In order to clear the smoke out quickly it will require an Easy computer check with an upgrade (Destiny flip) ( C SS ). Otherwise, you can let the system itself take care of it. (+1 Setback die to checks in Engineering)


  • sonovabith (silenced the renegade klaxon/warning system)
  • JalekZem (assisting ColonelCommissar)
  • Tear44 (assisting Kymrel)
  • TheErthafien (sensors restarted successfully)
  • ColonelCommissar (Pilot check successful)
  • Kymrel (mechanics check)

Awaiting Word:

  • hydrospanner
  • GMRen

Next Check: 0 Boost Die

Floating Boost Die: 1 (source: ColonelCommissar)

Destiny Pool: 4 Light Side/7 Dark Side

Campaign post is in bound. Additional actions will be posted there.

Sorry about the formatting, apparently my phone does not support the more text options pane.

@Sarone- I have decided that Sting will not speak Basic, unless he abolutly needs to, because Rodians have a small mouth and have difficulty doing so. Do I need to specify that Sting is speaking in Huttese, when I make a post where he is speaking?

Just so I know, who's in the cockpit (and thus able to respond)? Is it just Lynna, Sting and Prefect?

The three previous advantages can give the next character to roll a boost and add one floating boost .

I assume that restarting engines is done from the helm. Massan will try to clear the smoke from engineering with a computers roll.

Computers to clear smoke : 2eA+2eP+1eC+2eS 2 successes, 1 advantage
****, forgot my own boost:

Made no difference what so ever.
Spending the advantage to notice a single important point, if pertinent. If not, next character gets a boost.
Although Massan is talking to the captain he is not attempting a social check to placate him, simply because fixing the ship is more important to him. Well, that and the fact that with the difficulty set, Massan is very unlikely to succeed.
Edited by Kymrel

Was the comm from the distressed vessel on the inter ship comms? Who all would have heard it?

I'd like to investigate the double label situation Tion discovered. So see what the other label says and see if there any other crates that have been double labeled.

Edad would begin going through the sensors to see if the source of the message can be found and to see if he can reach them on the comms.

Sorry about the formatting, apparently my phone does not support the more text options pane.

@Sarone- I have decided that Sting will not speak Basic, unless he abolutly needs to, because Rodians have a small mouth and have difficulty doing so. Do I need to specify that Sting is speaking in Huttese, when I make a post where he is speaking?

It cool. Huttesse will be ok.

Just so I know, who's in the cockpit (and thus able to respond)? Is it just Lynna, Sting and Prefect?

Technically it's the bridge. Lynna is in the co-pilot's seat, Sting is (or was) in the pilot's seat. Prefect is standing behind you at the sensor/operator's station with Edad sitting there. Behind that are the gunner stations, where Kayne is sitting.

The three previous advantages can give the next character to roll a boost and add one floating boost .

I assume that restarting engines is done from the helm. Massan will try to clear the smoke from engineering with a computers roll.

Computers to clear smoke : 2eA+2eP+1eC+2eS 2 successes, 1 advantage
****, forgot my own boost:

Made no difference what so ever.
Spending the advantage to notice a single important point, if pertinent. If not, next character gets a boost.
Although Massan is talking to the captain he is not attempting a social check to placate him, simply because fixing the ship is more important to him. Well, that and the fact that with the difficulty set, Massan is very unlikely to succeed.

I'll elaborate more in character, but Massan realizes that the Portside engine is just the beginning of major problems. While regulations and taxes could explain some of Trell's problems, this goes beyond mere bureaucratic problems. In all honesty, Massan's apprentice prediction is that the trip to Nar Shadda could be the ships last if it doesn't get the major repair work done on it.

Was the comm from the distressed vessel on the inter ship comms? Who all would have heard it?

Yes, the distress signal was broadcasted over the ship intercoms and everyone would have heard it.

I'd like to investigate the double label situation Tion discovered. So see what the other label says and see if there any other crates that have been double labeled.

There are over a two dozens crates and packages, some small, some big. You can either do it quick, thorough, or stealthy. Pick two or double down on one.

  • Quick- Tion tries to inspect as many packages as possible.
  • Thorough- Not all packages will have the double label. Some packages had their's take off, while others would have it in unsuspected places.
  • Stealthy- Any one who tried to hide the labels with a second would know what to look for if someone started being snoopy. In addition, while Captain Trell and his crew aren't the best, they do understand discretion and were paid not to snoop around.

Let me know what you decide.

Edad would begin going through the sensors to see if the source of the message can be found and to see if he can reach them on the comms.

That will be an Easy Check with environmental modifier to find and to attempt to reestablish comms.

So we don't have open comms access as yet?

I'll double down on stealthy, but try to focus my search by seeing if there are others going to or coming from the same shipper as the one I discovered and expanding from there, if that makes sense.

So we don't have open comms access as yet?

Not yet. Prefect just transferred it from bridge only to ship wide.

This was a unidirectional broadcast on the emergency frequency, intended to alert others to problems and intended for limited two way communication.

I'll double down on stealthy, but try to focus my search by seeing if there are others going to or coming from the same shipper as the one I discovered and expanding from there, if that makes sense.

You won't be able to get too many of them, but it'll be harder for the crew and other members to figure out what you are doing.

In addition, the crate you just peeled the label off is for speeder bike parts, bound from Corellia. The label, though, was the content label. It will take a mechanics/knowledge check to figure them out, but the numbers are different.

Does "Limited two-way communication" mean that we can talk to them at all?

Does "Limited two-way communication" mean that we can talk to them at all?

With out knowing their direction, any response would have to be in the clear and in all directions. Hence the computer check.

In addition, while it can be done and with little trouble, it would also be a flare to let other groups, if any, that you are there.

My reading of the character is that she'd want to respond to the signal, regardless of the consequences. I'll get an IC post up soon unless I get a violent objection.

You won't get any from Sting, he thinks that this is a trap anyhow

What is the difficulty of the check to make sense of the info on the labels? Is there a check required to determine how many I am able to discover?

Difficulty with be as such:

  • D = 1
  • D D = 3
  • D D D =6

There are also environmental modifiers, as well.

It's currently one setback die, correct? So if I want to do three using mechanics the pool will be AAADDS, correct?

It's currently one setback die, correct? So if I want to do three using mechanics the pool will be AAADDS, correct?

That would be Skulduggery if you are trying to find out if there are other crates that are mislabeled.

Even better. Then I'm looking at APPDD with Convincing Demeanor removing the setback die. (Sorry I can't format text for color. I'm on mobile this week.

Once I've made the roll to check for other crates, what is the difficulty of the mechanics check you referenced in post #187?

@GM: Are we still in the semi-structured time, or can we move about and take actions more freely?

Checking labels : 2eP+1eA+2eD 4 successes, 1 threat

p-s-s.png p-s-s.png a--.png d--.png d-th.png

If it's OK, I'll use the threat to take a strain, as Tion was concentrating really hard on making his work impossible to backtrace. Four successes seems pretty good, so maybe he finds three more for sure and is pretty confident if he had time, he'd find others since he knows what he's looking for.

I'll be needing some knowledge and other checks for some of the cargo you are checking. I also don't mind you taking as strain, though there might be a few close calls.

That being said, make a Knowledge (Underworld) check at Average difficulty ( D D )


  • sonovabith (skullduggery check)
  • Kymrel (computers check)

Awaiting Word:

  • hydrospanner
  • GMRen
  • Tear44
  • ColonelCommissar
  • JalekZem
  • TheErthefien

Next Check: 0 Boost Die

Floating Boost Die: 2 (source: ColonelCommissar, Kymrel)

Destiny Pool: 4 Light Side/7 Dark Side

Edited by Sarone