So... any of the new books not crappy?

By DUR, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I'm a picky reader. I prefer Dostoevsky for novels and Christian Wiman for poetry, if that helps. I thought Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead were good, and everything else Card ever wrote should go straight to the trash can.

Would I find reading any of the new-canon books anything other than brain melting? I read a few pages of aftermath and wanted to puke.

Lords of the Sith is good stuff.

Aftermath is notoriously BAD.

Rumour has it everything else is better , occasionally significantly so...

But one thing to remember is they are all notoriously "young adult" fiction.

Lost Stars



I've heard good things about Battlefront: Twilight Company

I liked Tarkin.

Rebel dawn was decent, but not spectacular.

Just got Bloodlines.

There was this book called sucked so bad I couldn't finish it.

One good thing though: it made me remember why I stopped reading EU books many years ago. They suck. All of them.

I havn't read anything since, y'know, Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy, so.....

Given that your point appears to be an outlier compared to most other respondents here and on the X-Wing Forum, can you give us a critique of why you consider it sucking, GK?

Was it how it was written, was it the audience it was aimed for (Being young adult fiction, they're usually 'simpler' and less deep than a full fledged novel, etc)

Tarkin was good for recanonizing stuff, but it was not very climactic.

My expectations for Aftermath were brought very low, so it didn't disappoint. But I wouldn't recommend it.

I'm reading Darth Plaguis , or, at least, it's sitting there.

Honestly, I'm a fan of the Heir to the Empire trilogy, but probably because I read it when I was 16.

I did enjoy A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller, though.

I haven't read anything since the last installment of "Fate of the Jedi" which overall I rather enjoyed.

I have read the TPB of the new Darth Vader comic series and the new Star Wars series and they were a bit weird in that it has been thirty years since I read anything set between the original films and most of that did not have the benefit of having the whole trilogy completed. Decent little stories. The Princess Leia mini-series wasn't bad but the Vader and Star Wars are the best.