Announcing NECST Season 1: Spaceballs, The Tournament!

By JackofHearts, in Star Wars: The Card Game

The NY/NJ Meta is proud to announce, in collaboration with Team Sandcrawla and the New England Meta, the very first in the North East Casual Special Tournament Series: Spaceballs, The Tournament!

On Saturday, July 9th, at Aether Game Cafe in Hoboken, NJ, we will host a casual tournament using Team Sandrawla's outrageously fabulous Spaceballs: the Card Game fan made expansion. Free with Participation is a full set of the custom created cards. The only special rules are these: your deck must include at least 4 pods from the deluxe box! There will be special prizes, not just for winning, but also for most creative deck, funniest interaction, and cleverest combo.

Whats more, the promise of the NECST series is that every season we will create a new and exciting casual tournament event, to be hosted at a different game store in the North East Region every season. Whats more, we encourage other regions to join us, and anyone who requests the digital materials required for that tournament will be sent them. The intention is to create a regional, then perhaps national and global, tournament series that promotes the fun casual side of our favorite card game. Look forward to Civil War Draft, Secret Santa, Custom Challenge decks, and more, in the coming months and years.

If you would like to organize an event in your region, please contact me, it would be great to collaborate.

If you'd like to see a spoiled pod, check out this post on!

Edited by JackofHearts