Someone tell
Wand of Dragonfire vs. Amazon
Someone tell
I thought you where? Just send them a email, easy enough.
On 5/28/2016 at 7:02 AM, Osbo25 said:Sooooo........I'm still waffling on whether or not I agree with the D.E. Here are two points to consider:
1. The Wand of Dragonfire is different from any other spells, objects, followers, etc. that affect a battle in that the Wand of Dragonfire does not have a lasting effect. For example, if someone casts Energize before a battle, that spell has the lasting effect of doubling that character's strength value through the entire turn. Or if someone uses the Rune Sword, it has the lasting effect of increasing the attack roll by 1 for the duration of that battle.
But the Wand of Dragonfire does not have such a lasting effect. It's effect is instantaneous: lose one life. Then it's done. There is no effect to "remain in effect" (as stated in the Amazon's special abilities). It's over and done. As such, it would be fair game to use again when the second battle takes place.
2. If you think of a battle in terms of phases you have three distinct phases: pre-battle, battle, and post-battle. In the pre-battle phase you do all of those things that prep you for the battle (such as casting spells, declaring which objects/followers will be used, etc.). This is when the Wand of Dragonfire would be used. In the battle phase you conduct the battle. In the post-battle phase the winner claims his prize.
The Amazon's special ability is only referring to the battle phase portion of the encounter. You don't go back and re-prep for the battle. You don't cast any additional spells. You don't use any additional objects. All the Amazon is doing is re-fighting the battle.
From this perspective the Wand of Dragonfire could not be used again, seeing as the pre-battle phase is not being redone. It is only the battle. That is, the whole "you are about to engage in battle" portion of the Wand of Dragonfire doesn't happen a second time. Only the battle itself happens a second time.
All-in-all, I think I am still leaning in the direction of this second point, but I can certainly see legitimacy in the first point, and I would not object if that's how the rule was clarified by the likely-never-to-happen FAQ update.
I disagree with your second point. The amazon ability does not specify that you must skip the first phase (prep phase) just that you immediately fight the battle again. There is nothing preventing you from using additional objects or spells for the second battle.
No FAQ needed IMO, the rule is clear to me. You may use the wand before engaging in battle. If you fight a second battle you should get to use the wand again. DE got it right.
The Dwarf lands on the Amazon and declares he is attacking her in battle. Before the Dwarf engages the Amazon in battle, he decides to use the Wand of Dragonfire against her. He is successful and forces the Amazon to lose a life.
The Dwarf then casts Psionic Blast on himself and the Amazon casts Energize on herself & she also uses the Runesword. They both roll the die for their attack rolls.
The result is a standoff, so the Amazon declares that she will immediately fight the battle again. Both Spells and the Runesword remain in effect for the second battle, as per the special ability. They both roll the die for their attack rolls. This time the Amazon wins and forces the Dwarf to lose a life, she then gains a life due to the Runesword. The turn then ends.
The Wand of Dragonfire cannot be used a second time, as the battle is immediately fought again (attack rolls are remade}.