Action cards in assignment phase

By Baxie, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Certain actions cards are meant to be played during the "Assignment" phase. (Our darkest hour etc.)

We have been playing them wrong (at least I think we have), since we have played them and resolved them during the assignment phase (Before going to the action phase), but I have seen others describe how they play them as a normal mission.

Using them as a regular mission doesn't really make sense to me, as you will slowly learn which cards are available to each leader, so even if you wont be able to counter them (As none of them are "attempt" missions), your opponent will be able to plan ahead, knowing this.

Our reason for doing this is the Ozzel-mission (I forget the name) which is absolutely useless, when played in this way, since it is just a "move" card, that allows you to move fleets from adjacent systems into the system where he resolves his mission.

How does this make any sense?

If it's played during the assignment phase, it's played during the assignment phase. You are 100% correct and anyone playing them differently is wrong.

However many other action cards are most useful in conjunction with missions or when opposing missions. But NO action card should ever be played AS a mission. Period.

Action Cards with the "Assignment" tag are resolved in the Assignment phase as soon as they are played. The Rebels have the advantage of always going first in the Assignment phase, but beware the Empire may strike back!

I always saw it as an advantage for the Empire as they could gauge their plans based on what they know about the rebel assignments.

I always saw it as an advantage for the Empire as they could gauge their plans based on what they know about the rebel assignments.

It is an advantage in that way but the Empire never get the surprise advantage. Being able to play those Action cards first, knowing there is nothing that will change about the board before you play it, is a big advantage. The Rebels must capitalize on this if they are to succeed.

Edited by Stone37

I always saw it as an advantage for the Empire as they could gauge their plans based on what they know about the rebel assignments.

It is an advantage in that way but the Empire never get the surprise advantage. Being able to play those Action cards first, knowing there is nothing that will change about the board before you play it, is a big advantage. The Rebels must capitalize on this if they are to succeed.

True, but that advantage is in the activation phase--not the assignment phase.

Do I play these before or after or as I make mission assignments? Do I play them as Rebs before or after Imperials make mission assignments?

Do I play these before or after or as I make mission assignments? Do I play them as Rebs before or after Imperials make mission assignments?

Action cards with the "Assignment" designation are played and resolved during the Assignment phase. Rebels always assign (and play all assignment Action Cards) all missions before the Empire.

Do I play these before or after or as I make mission assignments? Do I play them as Rebs before or after Imperials make mission assignments?

Action cards with the "Assignment" designation are played and resolved during the Assignment phase. Rebels always assign (and play all assignment Action Cards) all missions before the Empire.

Thanks. Played my first game yesterday and have several questions like this. Luckily in this case both my question and an appropriate thread at the top of the list came together.

Do I play these before or after or as I make mission assignments? Do I play them as Rebs before or after Imperials make mission assignments?

Action cards with the "Assignment" designation are played and resolved during the Assignment phase. Rebels always assign (and play all assignment Action Cards) all missions before the Empire.

Thanks. Played my first game yesterday and have several questions like this. Luckily in this case both my question and an appropriate thread at the top of the list came together.

Between FFG and fans, there is great support for this game.

It took me about 3 games to fully get the rules in order. Once you do, the game speeds up and the real fun begins!

Yes, the first game was a bit of slog with just trying to get the rules straightened out but It is pretty easy to see there is a very interesting game here. The Emperor made a critical error and I won the needed reputation point with a big space battle. The Emperor put too much emphasis on building stuff and not enough on getting intel. I also did my best not to stick leader out where they could be captured.