How much exp do you give your players per session/event?
So far I've been doing what the books have suggested and have noticed that the rates exp is given out isn't consistent. Not counting bonus XP, the suggested rates are:
Dark Pursuits: 300-450 exp each session
Desolation of the Dead: 400 exp for surviving the Gallowsway, 400 exp for surviving Gantry and 500 exp for the final confrontation
Forgotten Gods: 250-300 xp each session for the section on Desoleum, 300-450 exp each session onboard the Oath Unspoken and finally 300-450 exp for each session on Thaur
My group and I really got into Desolation of the Dead (which pays the least by a considerable margin) and we had the campaign run for approximately 13 sessions. Assuming the other ones, on the lower end award 300exp points per session, that's a difference of 3900 exp instead of 1300 exp. I'm more than capable of scaling the awards in the other two campaigns depending on the rate that they progress through the investigation, but if it trails off in unexpected directions it makes things more complicated, especially one FG is over and we start looking at homebrew campaigns and 'free play mode' where I'll have my players using the Inquests system to decide what heresies they want to investigate in Askellon.
What have you guys found to be a good rate which is neither too fast or too slow?